Resources for Supporting Young People
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Pastoral Support Newsletter
During ‘Lockdown 2.0’ our Pastoral Team have put together a few strategies and resources that pupils can use at this time to support their mental well-being – whether they are attending school or working at home.
Useful Links
- Reporting a home lateral flow test result for pupils
- Children & Young People’s Mental Health Coalition: Covid-19 and children and young people’s mental health (external URL)
- The Children’s Society: Coronavirus Advice and Support (external URL)
- Rise Above: My Mind (external URL)
- YoungMinds: Coronavirus and Mental Health Support (external URL)
- NSPCC: Coronavirus Advice and Support (external URL)
Supporting Healthy Relationships in the Home
Isolation and the current climate we live in can be stressful for all, putting pressure on our relationships with loved ones. Northumberland’s Wellbeing and Community Health Services Group have asked us to share these links to resources that may be useful in supporting healthy relationships in the home.
The last several weeks have been really difficult for most people as we have learned to adapt to a new way of life. This time can place significant pressure on relationships with our partners, especially if the relationship was in distress to begin with. Below are some resources that are free to access and might help you and your partner to navigate the issues you are facing:
- Covid-19 advice and tips for healthy relationships from Relate
- Advice on how to handle arguments from Relate
- OnePlusOne (see it differently videos and click relationships pages in particular)
- For relationship support and to use our forums:
- Facebook: ClickRelationshipsUK
- Twitter: OnePlusOne_
- COVID-19 guidance for children and families from Cafcass (for those co-parenting and with child arrangement agreements in place)
- Co-Parent Hub, a free online resource for separated families linking together expertise from across the family justice sector
- Parenting during Covid some useful advice and downloadable resources here from Triple P
- Facebook: Centre-for-Parent-and-Child-Support-CPCS
And online courses for parents:
This is aimed at expectant or new parents but this is just as helpful for those of use with older children especially during Covid-19. We know that having a baby is one of the biggest life changes we can go through. We will be tired and stressed, and we may argue more.
The videos help us learn to argue better so that we can sort things out and move on together. Why stress should be a shared burden. It can also be accessed through baby buddy app see ‘You and your partner’.
- Free online parenting course from UK Charity Family Links and hosted by Netmums. This is an eight-session email course that guides you through different parenting topics and situations, helping you become a more confident parent. Many of the tips and skills can be applied to all relationships.
Psychological & Educational Teams at NCC
The Psychological and Educational teams at Northumberland County Council have collated extensive resources to assist parents/carers in supporting young people during this time.
“The current situation has been very unsettling for adults and children alike. Worry and concern have been very present in the news. All adults and children will have some degree of awareness of events, and may have had their lives disrupted. It’s normal that we would feel anxious and upset by what is happening.
We all want to support the children and young people we are caring for and working with to understand their feelings and adjust to the current circumstances.”
Resources for parents/carers
- Guidance on supporting young people’s mental health and well-being, from Public Health England (external URL)
- Children’s Guide to Coronavirus, from the Children’s Commissioner for England (PDF)
- Helping children cope with stress, from the World Health Organisation (PDF)
- Talking to your child about coronavirus, from Young Minds (external URL)
- Understanding coronavirus, from The Mix (external URL)
- Things to think about if your child will not be attending school (PDF)
- Explaining to Primary-aged children (Years 5 & 6) (PDF)
- Explaining to Secondary-aged children (Years 7 & 8) (PDF)
- Talking to children about the Coronavirus (PDF)
- Advice from the British Psychological Society (PDF)
- List of useful websites: fun and educational activities and resources (PDF)
Supporting children with additional needs
Online Safety
Please can I take this opportunity to remind parents to carefully monitor their child’s online activity always, but even more so during this period. If you have any concerns, or need any additional advice please contact me via
Mrs Frankish
Resources from Northumbria Police
HMS has received the message below from the Detective Sergeant responsible for the management of the Northumbria Police PREVENT team within Special Branch:
‘As you may be aware our children and young people are sadly vulnerable to being drawn into concerning activity of various descriptions through their online activity. The forced hiatus bringing the premature closure of our schools due to Covid-19 will create opportunities for those people around the world who would seek to prey upon the vulnerable. We can expect the use of the internet by children to vastly increase and remain at that level for an extended period.’

The below document includes additional information produced by the Home Office which you may find useful. Local Contact Information has been added to support you in the event that you do have a concern. As always, please contact school if you have a concern or need advice.