At Hexham Middle School, we ensure that our pupils have regular opportunities to tell us their views about their school and the day-to-day learning experience. We know that pupils really value giving their feedback on the positive aspects and areas they would like us to further develop in school. We also give our pupils regular opportunities to build their independence through leadership opportunities and responsibilities.

Pupil Voice
Every half term, staff meet with different groups of pupils to discuss their school experience. This is an opportunity for pupils to discuss their learning, their enjoyment of school life and their personal development including opportunities to engage beyond the classroom.
HMS Council
Feedback from meetings is shared with senior leaders and the staff team. Actions are also shared with the whole school (including pupils and parents/carers) so that pupils know that their views are listened to and that they can influence their school experience. We really value the feedback and discussions we have on a regular basis with our pupils, and we want them to shape life at HMS.
Head Pupils:
Noah H and Sarah N
Deputy Head Pupils:
Esme B and Tristan J

Pupil Feedback Survey
Once a year, all pupils are given the opportunity to submit written feedback on school life. This gives pupils the opportunity to give truly independent feedback. This coincides with our annual parent/ carer survey which is sent home in March.
Quality of Education Reviews
As part of our ongoing Quality of Education Reviews, pupils have regular opportunities to talk about their learning. School leaders will talk to pupils in all classes and year groups to understand the quality of their learning experience and how teachers are supporting them to fulfil their potential in all subjects.
Pupils bring their books/ folders with them to the conversation so that they can demonstrate work they are proud of and show the progress they have made throughout the year. Leaders are also interested to know how much knowledge pupils can remember over time as a result of their teaching.
Pupil Leadership
Pupil Leadership is incredibly important at Hexham Middle. We value pupils being able to build their independence throughout the middle school years. Pupils have the opportunity to become:
- House Captains – voted for by members of their House group in our annual House Hustings/Elections
- Head Pupils – pupils apply and are interviewed by senior members of staff.
- Digital Leaders – pupils apply and are trained to support the management of the school’s laptops and iPads.
- Sports Leaders – pupils work with younger pupils and staff in school to lead sporting events and fixtures.
- Peer Mentors – pupils are trained as part of a development programme to support younger pupils in school. This includes safeguarding training.
- School Council Reps – pupils are elected by their form class to represent the group and attend regular meetings.
- Library Champions – pupils support the promotion of reading and help to run the library.
- Ally Zone – pupils promote mutual respect of diversity and promote an inclusive environment.
- Pupils also have the opportunity to join many teams and groups in school, and to plan fundraising events throughout the year.