Food Bank Collection – Update

The generosity of our wider school community has been fantastic for our current food bank appeal.  Tomorrow (Friday 25 September 2020) is the final day for any donations, as they will be collected early next week.   If anyone would like to make a final donation, pupils can deliver these to the boxes on the year group yards tomorrow morning before

Arts Award Bronze

This week Emily T delivered a workshop to a group of other Year 8 pupils as part of her Arts Award Bronze. Emily worked with stencil-making and mono-printing to create artworks based on dance and performance. Emily was clear in her communication and shared skills with others as part of her Part D. This is the final section of her

Year 8 Art: HMS Houses Re-Design

Our Year 8s have been working hard creating new designs for our HMS houses. Aln, Wansbeck, Coquet, Tweed, all got a re-design! 8SLA came up with some smashing ideas. Can you guess which one our class liked the most? Great ideas everyone! Well done. Miss Lawton

Pastoral Consultations

This year, form tutors will be calling home for our Pastoral Consultations on Wednesday 30 September and Thursday 1 October 2020. These calls will give you an opportunity to find out how your child has settled into the new term and to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Please complete the booking form and parent questionnaire at this

Class Charts App

Mrs Curry has now sent home details on how to access our new behaviour software, Class Charts. We would really appreciate you downloading the app and regularly accessing the site so that we can keep you up-to-date with your child’s time in school. You will be able to celebrate the many positive aspects as well as discussing any sanctions which

Remote Learning

We have now sent home copies of the codes your child will need to access this year’s Google Classrooms. Time will be built into computing lessons to make sure the pupils join their groups and can access their learning. Please try to keep the letter handy as we can’t add these codes to our website page. Lots of useful information

Harvest Festival 2020

Hexham Middle School is collecting for West Northumberland Food Bank again this year. We feel it is important to support our local community during what will be at present extremely difficult times for some individuals and families. From Monday 14 September 2020 we are gratefully receiving donations – see flyer below for the full list of items you can donate.

Times Tables Rockstars!

All pupils will shortly be recieving log-ins for the brilliant ‘Times Tables Rockstars’. We would ask that you encourage your child to log in at least three times a week to increase their ‘Rock Status’. We will be awarding special prizes and certificates for the pupils who engage with it the most. We know that rapid recall of times tables

New Letters Page

It has been a joy to welcome our pupils back to school. Our new year 5 enjoyed a great transition day last Wednesday and have all settled in brilliantly with smiles all around the Orchard building. On Thursday, we welcomed all other year groups back to school – the excitement could be felt in every building. We have loved seeing