Caring For Our Chicks

Happy Monday everyone!  Our chicks have enjoyed their Easter break at Mrs Curry’s farm and have now moved back to HMS. They are currently spending their time in Orchard with year 5 and have been out enjoying the sun this week. They will soon be moving to their permanent home in our Beaumont quad where the children will learn more

Welcome Back

Welcome to the summer term!  We hope you have all had a fantastic Easter break and managed to enjoy some time outdoors (despite the often wintry weather!). HMS continues to be a vibrant and exciting place to learn, and we are delighted that our extra-curricular provision was able to re-start before Easter. We are also looking forward to enjoying more

Covid 19 Home Testing Guidance- Year 7 And 8

Asymptomatic testing is a key part of keeping the school and wider community safe and stopping the transmission of covid. Please continue to test twice weekly through the Easter holidays and make sure your child takes a test before returning to school on April 12th.  If your child tests positive on a lateral flow test taken at home or a

North East Festival of Languages

‘The Express Yourself: North East Festival of Languages’ takes place this week between the 22nd and 26th March 2021. The festival is a celebration of the diverse languages, cultures and communities in the region and our connections with the world. There are lots of free events, activities and resources introducing new and creative ways to learn, speak and teach languages.

Pia’s International Women’s Day Success

Pia has received some lovely press about her international women’s day success! A wonderful inspirational young woman! Thank you to Northumberland County Council for such an inspiring competition.  Well done to Pia and all of our pupils who took the opportunity to apply & celebrate inspirational women in our community.  #choosetochallenge2021

The Great Big Exhibition – Independent Hexham Stores

Here, is Beau Forster’s (Year 6) amazing artwork exhibited in Studio 19. Beau has been making some fantastic acrylic paintings on canvas and working into the surface with embroidery. Beau have been keeping a detailed sketchbook and developing ideas around ‘tricks of the eye’ the painting are of landscapes and can be flipped to show another interesting scene. Amelie Osborne,

Red Nose Day Treats

Our very own Mrs Dando created this delicious Red Nose Day cake for us to enjoy on Friday!  We hope you all enjoyed the day and had a lovely weekend. We are looking forward to a brilliant last week of term!

National Day of Reflection – Tuesday 23rd March

As we welcome spring, we look forward with hope and this week at HMS, we are encouraging reflection. We have reflected on the return to school and celebrated how well it has gone and how proud we are of the whole HMS community for the way they have approached this very strange term. We are observing the National Day of