Music Resources

Music Partnership North have provided schools with some music resources for pupils, particularly in celebration of Make Music Day on Sunday 21 June 2020. Music Partnership North also have Jazz & Blues videos/playalongs and supporting resources on their website:

Online Assembly from the Duchess of Cambridge

Tomorrow (Thursday 18 June 2020), the Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy during which she will speak about the importance of mental well-being among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’. The assembly will be live on the Oak National Academy website at 11am on Thursday 18 June

HMS Cultural Passport

While you have time at home, think about trying as many new cultural activities online as you can. Lots of online services have enabled free access – take advantage of this unexpected opportunity.  We have put together a ‘Cultural Passport’ that lists some of these online services and allows you to put a ‘stamp’ on the ones you’ve tried, as

Turning in Work on Google Classroom

We know that some of you are having a few problems turning in work on Google Classrooms at the minute; remember to use Google Chrome as your browser. If that still doesn’t work please follow the advice in this video. Thank you to Edward Dando for creating this video and finding a solution to this problem.

Blog Post #20: Mrs Tanner

Hi everyone, hope lockdown is going well for you. It has been strange for me. I have been stuck home since the beginning and have tried to adjust to this new way of being. Whenever I am not working and staying in touch with you on Google Classroom, I am trying to keep myself busy at home. My kids have

HMS Connect

Please find below information about a new service for parents/carers and pupils we are launching called ‘HMS Connect’. We miss you all and look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care.Mr Barry, Mrs Cave and Mrs Frankish

Year 8 Leavers’ Hoodies

We hope you are all safe and well and have had a good weekend. A huge thank you to the HMS PTA who have assisted in the organisation of this year’s leavers’ hoodies. The below link will take you to the page where you can purchase your hoodie! We are sorry about the slight delay, however all orders must be

VE Day Sponsored Silence Update

After completing his sponsored silence on the anniversary of VE Day, Tom Bloomer in Year 7 received a personal thank you in the post from the Royal British Legion Industries, having raised an amazing final total of £282.50. Congratulations Tom!

Pastoral Newsletter #6

Our Pastoral Team have created a regular newsletter for HMS pupils. The newsletter includes guidance and support for how pupils may be feeling during this unprecedented time. There are also some activities on looking and thinking ahead. The latest issue (#6) and previous issues are available to download on our Pupil Well-being page.

Blog Post #19: Mr Barry (Part 3)

I hope everyone had a great half term break. We were very lucky to have fantastic weather for the week, which was perfect for sport and building projects! We have finally finished our garden project with a new gate and bin store. Then a trip to the beach for the sea and some football training. Looking forward to seeing some