Plea for plastic milk cartons!

Year 7 Sculpture Project  A small group of pupils in Year 7 are due to work with an artist on Monday 7th June.  We are looking to gather some used materials in the form of plastic milk cartons.   If you are able to help us out, it would be fantastic if you could give your child a cleaned plastic carton

Music: How pianist with dementia is helping others

This week is Mental Health Awareness week. During the lockdown, we have highlighted the importance of looking out for our mental health. It’s important that we all find ways to manage and enhance our mental health, as it is something that affects everybody, despite lockdown and the recent pandemic. I would like to share a link from the BBC News

Last chance for Year 8 Fire Cadets!

There are now just 5 places left on this exciting opportunity we shared last month, for pupils in Year 8 to join the Northumberland Fire Cadets. Some of our pupils have already signed up! This is a great chance for pupils to learn more about the Fire and Rescue service and to develop a range of useful skills with others.

Y7 and 8 have been cooking!

Year 7 have been making sausage rolls this week in Food Technology. We’ve seen some wonderful flavours including pork and apple, pork and caramelised onion, vegetarian sausage and pork and bacon. Year 8 have made some fantastic Toad in the Hole. 

New home for our chicks!

The chicks have moved safely into their new home in Beaumont Quad and are enjoying spending more time outside. It will be lovely for more of our pupils to help with their care and management as they grow. A big thank you to Miss Kingett for organising their transition. 

Afternoon Tea!

Pupils who purchased an Afternoon Tea with their P points were delighted to attend on Tuesday and enjoyed a selection of treats. A big thank you to Mrs Satow for organising it for them!

Be Safe!

This morning we had a visit from the fantastic Dave Burn from Be Safe! We discussed healthy relationships and the dangers of child sexual exploitation. Thank you to Year 8 for being so focused, and to Dave for another brilliant session. We are looking forward to the next one!

Calling All Pupils

We would really like the engagement of our pupil body to support Northumberland’s Children and Young People’s Plan 2021. The local council have said that they are keen to support young people in the areas that matter.  Now is your chance as a young person to have a voice.  You are invited to ask a question which could be in

Sele Park Community Support

Following some concerning reports about conditions at the Sele Park, the HMS community will be working to instil positive values to ensure our local outdoor spaces are well-used and respected. HMS pupils will soon be supporting with litter picking, painting and other projects at the Sele Park. We are also inviting entries to a new signage competition – details are

Pupil Success

A huge well done to Archie H who has recently signed for Sunderland Academy. We are all very proud of his achievement and wish him every success!