Music Activities

Take a look at our fantastic extracurricular Music offering for this term, including some brand-new activities! All activities start back next week unless stated otherwise. There are spaces in all groups, so new members are welcome! #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Zones of Regulation

As part of our whole school focus on emotional regulation, Year 5 and Year 7 will enjoy interactive workshops this week focused on the Zones of Regulation.  The sessions will help our pupils to understand the wide range of emotions they may feel on a daily basis and to understand when/why they may feel a certain way, the physical and

Christmas Message

Christmas Message  We’ve reached the Christmas holiday and what a great term it’s been here at HMS. We have so much to be thankful for: enthusiastic, engaged and positive pupils who give their all every day in school; a staff team who go above and beyond to make our school such a special place to learn and very supportive parents/carers

Show Choir

Well done to all of our HMS students who are in the Show Choir and performed at the QEHS Winter Concert last week. They performed the songs ‘What Happens When a Woman?’ and ‘From Now On’ and performed in the same programme as the high school students.  The rest of the programme included the Jazz Band, Wind Band, QE Choir,

Celebration Assemblies

It was a joy to meet as year groups yesterday for our Christmas Celebration Assemblies. The assemblies are always an opportunity to reflect on the term, to celebrate the success of all pupils and to highlight the special achievements made in school. Our assemblies include subject awards and nominations, recognition of great attendance and, of course, our P point awards. Our


We’re all set for our Christingles this morning. We are looking forward to an opportunity to take a break from the festive fun for a moment of calm reflection ahead of the Christmas break. Thank you Mr Freeman-Myers, Miss Buxton-Collins and Y11 PERS students for their support.  #Respect #Engage #Aspire  

Congratulations Mrs Downes

5MDO was SO excited to have a visit from Mrs Downes and baby Martha this morning. What a special Christmas treat!  Congratulations again to Mrs Downes – we hope you, Martha and your family have a great first Christmas together! ❤️

HMS Carol Service

We were delighted to hold our annual Carol Service on Tuesday this week – it was a truly magical event and a very proud evening for our school. The level of skill, confidence and dedication on display from all of the pupils was outstanding – it never ceases to amaze me! The singers were superb, the musicians sounded incredible and

Head of School Awards

This month’s Head of School Award theme was generosity. Our key character value this half term has been generosity as we have built up to Christmas and I was delighted to see the children being recognised for their wonderful approach to school life. It was great to celebrate the positive contribution each pupil makes to our school community – I am very proud of each of them.  Pupils joined me for a special