Well done

Well done to all of our KS3 children who have been tested in school so far. Although a little nervous, they have approached it with resilience and maturity. We are so proud of them all!  A HUGE thank you to our amazing testing team made up of staff members and volunteers. The testing process was so calm and very well

Success For One Of Our Year 6 Pupils – Pia Ponsford

We are very proud to share the success of one of our Year 6 pupils, Pia Ponsford. Pia won the Art prize and the International Young Woman Award for her jewellery and charitable work in the community! Well done Pia and Happy International Women’s Day everybody! Well done to all of the entries.  Fabulous effort  You can see Pia talk about

Year 5 Egg Hatching Project

Year 5’s egg-hatching project is progressing nicely; they have put together a rota of people to turn the eggs twice every day and are being careful to keep the water topped up to keep the incubator humid!

Return To School: Questions Answered

Ahead of the return to school next week Mr Barry and Mr Stephenson answered some of your frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions about the return to school, please speak to your form tutors. Return to school: questions answered

National Careers Week

Dear Parent/Carer, This week we are observing National Careers Week.  Last week, pupils had a focused assembly and we asked them to consider potential aspirations.  Our theme for Careers Education this year is ‘A Brave New World’.  Year 7 pupils at present are exploring the ‘World of Work’ as a unit in PSHE. It’s good to talk! We would like

Dance City

After a successful in school online dance workshop with Michaela from Dance City in Newcastle. We would like to signpost you towards the opportunities for dance that Dance City provides. If you think it is something you might enjoy then please use the contact details provided. Dance City (PDF) www.dancecityta.co.uk

Creative Careers

There are lots of videos and links to learn about professional routes into creative careers on the website below. All this week there are many opportunities for our pupils to learn from amazing creative folk – videos will be shared during form-times, but Miss Lawton knows we have a lot of pupils who will want to do their own research!

Return To School March 2021

Dear Parent/ Carers The below letter contains information about the return to school. I apologise for the information overload, but I feel it is important that I cover all aspects of school life. We are all committed to ensuring that the return to school is a safe and happy one. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back at HMS

Food Technology Over Lockdown

We’ve received lots of wonderful photographs of home cooking and baking which our pupils have been doing during lockdown. Here is a selection of some of the things which have been made at home. Well done to all our budding chefs and bakers!