Art-Food Tech Collaborative Challenge!

Miss Kwella and Miss Lawton would like to challenge HMS pupils to make a portrait from food!  Both teachers have been inspired by The Artist Nathan Wyburn.  Pupils could use toast and scratch away at the surface or you could use marmite on bread to create your artwork.  Nathan also makes art with beans! This is particularly relevant for Year

Baking At Home

We are really pleased to see that so many pupils across all year groups have been cooking and baking at home. Y6 pupils have been making rock buns over the last week. Year 7 have been making soda bread and Year 8 have been creating their own recipes using leftover food. Thank you to everyone who has sent in pictures

New Yoga with Emily

Two new yoga sessions are now up and ready for you to take part.  Have fun! KS2 KS3 Let us know how you get on and send us any feedback for Emily.

The Baked Bean Challenge

Make the best fine-dining plate using baked beans on toast! Open to all year groups. Send a photograph of your entries to the school email address: We look forward to seeing your ideas. Deadline: Monday 1st February 2021

Lockdown PE Challenge

Hi all, We hope you all had a good weekend! In school we are using 5 minute fitness blasts to help prepare the body and mind for online learning! We would like you all to give this a go… That goes for the families too! Link below and Good luck! HIIT workout 2  Mr Barry

Year 5 Architecture Project

Another fabulous submission to our Year 5 Architecture Project.  Well done Finley, I think you will agree this six storey structure is very impressive and and a great use of materials! Well done to Eve in year 5 for her early submission of an architecture project. Pupils have been asked to research three iconic architects as case studies, develop a

International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2021 Northumberland County Council is running a series of creative competitions! Everyone is welcome to enter!  Poetry Competition Short Story Competition Poetry Competition Northumberland County Council invites school age children within Northumberland to scribe a poem relating to Inspirational Women in Northumberland in celebration of International Women’s Day 2021. The word count limit is 300 words.  

Yoga is back!

A huge thank you to Emily for recording two yoga sessions for you to enjoy at home. There is one for KS2 and one for KS3 (links are below). Let us know how you get on and send us any feedback for Emily. We hope you can enjoy the sessions as a family.  KS2:

CREATIVE Challenge

During the first lockdown Miss Lawton found out about an exciting project called ‘The Artists Support Pledge.’ This is a project which is based on a ‘gift’ economy for visual artists, including painters, photographers and printmakers. A ‘Gift economy’ means that when people benefit, they give back to a larger community of artists. It make sure that everyone is supported.

Yoga Returning to HMS

Mr Gaines has arranged for our popular yoga sessions with Emily to return for you to enjoy at home soon. Yoga is a fantastic way to support positive mental health and well-being, especially during this period. This is something the whole family could get involved with. There will be a virtual session for KS2 and KS3. We will let you