PTA ‘Bag2School’ Collection

The HMS PTA have now organised this term’s ‘Bag2School’ collection. If you would like to support the school’s PTA fundraising and are planning a clear out over half term, please bag up your items and send them into school.  Bags can be returned to school with your children or, if it’s easier for you, we will be holding parent/carer drop-offs

Drama Workshops, Hexham Abbey

Two drama teachers from the children’s work team at Hexham Abbey are launching drama workshops! There will be one per term on Saturday mornings, for children aged 9-13. The first one will be this Saturday, the 6 November, at The Great Hall in the Abbey from 10 am–12 noon. The theme will be ‘Plots and Plans’.  There will be a

Year 6 Parents’ Evening

On Tuesday 9 and Thursday 11 November, we will hold our Year 6 Parents’ Evening. Following surveys last term, we have decided to keep these evenings online using the School Cloud system. Booking guidance has been sent home. If you need any support with the system, please contact the school office team who will be happy to help. Booking link:

Online Debate Club!

Do you enjoy debating? Do you think YouTube is a good or bad thing?  Access the link below with one or more others (friend, sibling, parent, carer, anyone you’d like to debate with!) and take 10 minutes to discuss arguments for and against this question. You’ll need to input the school name (it doesn’t work with the postcode, just ‘Hexham

COP26/EcoSchools/Earth Shot!

Tying in with COP26, we have registered with Eco Schools. Moving into our new school building and grounds has provided us with a great opportunity to explore how we can operate more sustainably.  We are calling upon a group of pupils from all year groups to become members of an Eco Schools Committee to instigate local, pupil-led investigation and action.

Poppy Appeal!

During this week and up to 10 November, we will be selling red poppies and some merchandise to raise funds for the Royal British Legion. A huge thank you must go to Tom Gillanders from Hexham Town Council for helping to source a school poppy appeal box. Pupils can purchase the following items with suggested donations: 50p – eraser, poppy

UK Parliament Week, 1-7 November

This week we acknowledge UK Parliament Week.  We will be sharing our newly appointed School Parliament members later in the week.   We would also like to promote some great resources that can be explored independently, including a 360 Tour of The Houses of Commons and Lords, and the interactive ‘Be an MP for a Week’ game. 360 Tour of House

KS3 British Sign Language Course!

I am delighted to say that we can now offer a British Sign Language course for KS3 pupils. This will be led by local BSL tutor, Debbie Jervis. There will be 30 places available and the sessions will take place on Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.30pm. The course will be for 6-weeks and is charged at £10 per pupil (thanks to

ZooLab Session!

KS2 enjoyed a special hands-on session with ZooLab on Thursday. They got to meet an array of creepy crawlies and unusual creatures whilst learning all about our planet. Many students commented on what a fantastic time they had – even the staff got involved too!

Congratulations to our new Head Pupils!

Huge congratulations to our newly appointed Head Pupils. All of the Year 8 applicants approached the process with confidence and maturity as they presented to senior leaders and had their first experience of an interview. We were very proud of each and every one of them. Last week, the new team spoke to prospective parents/carers and pupils at our Open