Extra-Curricular Clubs Are Back!

We have a revised extra-curricular clubs list following our return from lockdown.  It is exciting to see some new clubs including Stage Door Drama Club.  Some other clubs are in the pipeline and we have highlighted some with dates to be confirmed. Staff members may contact pupils with any special sign-up requirements, should spaces be limited. We operate a Week

Calling All Cyclists

Free Bikeability L3 training available at HMS next week. This training is open to Y6, Y7 and Y8 BUT……you must have completed your L2 training in either Y5 or Y6 to do this course. L3 is a great course as it will give you the knowledge and experience to deal with more complex road riding, under the safe eye of

Red Nose Day 19 March 2021

Dear Parent/ Carer  Red Nose Day – 19 March 2021  The last 12 months have been incredibly tough for all of us, but we’re so proud of how our pupils have managed. As parents and carers, you may have had your lives turned upside down, and we’re so grateful for all of your efforts at home and support of the school.

KS3 Geography

Last week, KS3 geographers completed an Escape Room to revisit geographical skills. They were given a series of clues to solve to reveal a password, each with a different skill; such as map reading, aeriel photograph interpretation and using climate data. Year 7 and 8 worked really hard to crack the code, well done!

British Science Week

This week is British Science Week running 5-14 March 2021.Don’t forget to visit the website https://www.britishscienceweek.org/ to download your FREE activity pack. Lots of great activities and competitions with versions for all age groups. Enjoy!

We Need Your Lockdown Artwork

The Art Department would like to ask pupils to bring into school excellent examples of artwork made during the lockdown period. HMS will be taking over shop windows and empty spaces in Hexham with artwork made by our pupils.  We want to share with our community all the amazing creativity our pupils have between Year 5- Year 8! You might have

Well done

Well done to all of our KS3 children who have been tested in school so far. Although a little nervous, they have approached it with resilience and maturity. We are so proud of them all!  A HUGE thank you to our amazing testing team made up of staff members and volunteers. The testing process was so calm and very well

Success For One Of Our Year 6 Pupils – Pia Ponsford

We are very proud to share the success of one of our Year 6 pupils, Pia Ponsford. Pia won the Art prize and the International Young Woman Award for her jewellery and charitable work in the community! Well done Pia and Happy International Women’s Day everybody! Well done to all of the entries.  Fabulous effort  You can see Pia talk about

Year 5 Egg Hatching Project

Year 5’s egg-hatching project is progressing nicely; they have put together a rota of people to turn the eggs twice every day and are being careful to keep the water topped up to keep the incubator humid!