4 January Covid-19 Testing: Request for Volunteers

On return in January, we have been asked to test consenting pupils once in school. As I am sure you will appreciate, the logistics of testing a large number of pupils are challenging. We would once again welcome support from volunteers to help run the testing site and enable us to test the pupils as quickly as possible. There are

Christmas Drama Workshop!

Following the success of drama workshop ‘Plots and Plans’ at Hexham Abbey earlier this month, and the enthusiasm of the students to do something for Christmas, they are looking at running another workshop on 18 December with a view to doing a short performance at the Christingle Service the next day. The theme this time is ‘Oh no! Christmas!’. This

Art Update!

Year 5 Year 5 are learning about the formal elements of art and how artists will use these elements to create an artwork. Pupils have observed a bottle image and learnt how to blend and shade with a pencil to create a three-dimensional bottle. Year 6 Year 6 are learning about the artist Pablo Picasso. They have learnt about the

Y7 Boys’ Rugby!

Last night the Year 7 boys braced the elements to compete in this year’s Champion Cup. The boys showed outstanding character and commitment in all of their games! They started with a very tough game against Churchill and in an end to end encounter two tries each for Ollie and Luke helped HMS gain a respectable draw 4.4. Player of

Celebrating Advent

This week we are celebrating the first week of Advent.   Many thanks to Reverend Glover at Hexham Abbey for supporting our Advent assemblies this week. He has kindly given permission to share the Christmas message below. Please watch the short message (4:27mins) and learn more about how Reverend Glover makes a link with the story of Mary in The Nativity,

PTA Christmas Gift Shop!

The PTA Christmas Gift Shop has returned for 2021! This week, pupils had the chance to browse the brilliant range of gifts available. Order forms and payments should be returned by Wednesday 8 December. Huge thank you to our PTA for their hard work. 

County Cup Football!

Last night, the Year 8 boys were in action against John Spence in the opening round of the County Cup. In a night under the HMS floodlights with the rain coming down it was sure to be an interesting game of football. The team lined up with a few changes from our last outing and the dancing feet of Hugo


The Trustees of Hadrian Learning Trust have agreed to consult on a proposal to change the admission arrangements for Queen Elizabeth High School and Hexham Middle School from September 2023.  For full details and a link to respond to the consultation, please see the letter and proposed admissions policy here (PDF). 

Christmas Lunch!

On Thursday 9th December, we are offering pupils the opportunity to have our delicious Christmas lunch with all the trimmings or a vegetarian festive alternative for a one off charge of £3.20. For those entitled to free school meals this will be covered by their daily allowance. Please ensure £3.20 is pre-paid onto your child’s school meal account if they