HMS PTA Christmas Pop-Up Shop

We are starting to feel very festive and we are delighted to let you know that the Hexham Middle School PTA Christmas pop-up shop is coming soon! Please send your donations into school before 7 December. Full details and some suggested items can be found in the poster below. As always, we are so grateful for your support – thank you.

HMS PTA Present…Festive Forest Evening

We are so excited to announce that the PTA will be launching a brand-new Christmas event this year and invite you to attend our first ‘Festive Forest Evening’ on Thursday 1st December. The event is for families to attend together to enjoy an evening of festive crafts both in school and in our new forest school area – there’ll be

HMS PTA Winter Disco

We are delighted to announce there will be a Winter Disco on Wednesday 2nd November at HMS! Year 5 and 6: 5.30pm to 6.45pmYear 7 and 8: 7pm to 8.15pm If your child would like to attend, please complete the consent form by clicking here. Tickets are £3 per child. Please send into school in a named, sealed envelope. There will be a

Emotion Coaching 

This term, the team at HMS have been trained in the ‘Emotion Coaching’ approach. The aim is to foster nurturing and emotionally supportive relationships which allow pupils to develop their resilience and achieve their potential. In moments of heightened emotion and resulting behaviour, pupils are coached to focus on the effective responses. Empathetic engagement is key, and the emotions are

Fellside Forest

As we continue to develop our outdoor space, we are delighted to have opened ‘Fellside Forest’ – our new outdoor classroom space. Huge thank you to our PTA who have supported us to purchase new equipment and to the many staff/children involved in setting up the new area. Mrs Gray, Miss Kingett and Mrs Hall are enjoying their lessons and

Safe Cycling

We are pleased that pupils wish to cycle to school. Cycle access routes are outlined on the map below and safe, sheltered storage is available on the school site. If your child wishes to cycle to HMS, please discuss their safest routes at home so that they are equipped for their journey.  Please check that: Bicycles are in a good,

NCC Admissions Portal Now Open for Sept 2023 Entry

The process for applying for a Year 5 place for September 2023 opened last month. Should you wish your child to secure a place in Year 5 or Year 9 at QEHS in September 2023, you need to apply by Monday 31 October 2022, irrespective of your child’s current school. In other words, the allocation of a place is not

Dyslexia Awareness Week

This week is Dyslexia Awareness Week The theme for this year is ‘Breaking Through Barriers’. Dyslexia influences at least 1 in 10 people and is a genetic difference in an individual’s ability to learn and process information. We are proud that our library has an increasing range of dyslexia-friendly texts which have proven very popular with our pupils. You can

‘Hello Yellow’ Day

‘Hello Yellow Day’ is back at HMS!On Monday 10 October, children are invited to wear something yellow to raise awareness of World Mental Health Day. Children can wear yellow clothing and/or accessories if they’d like to – it will be an optional ‘wear your own clothes day’. Assemblies and Personal Development sessions will focus on mental health and wellbeing all that

European Day of Languages Bake Off – The Entries!

We had some truly outstanding entries into the European Day of Languages Bake Off this week! Judging took place on Monday and we were in awe of the hard work that had gone into baking and decorating the delicious cakes. Winners will be announced during assemblies this week with the last one taking place on Friday… this space for updates! In the