KS2 Football

Our KS2 pupils have been in football action this week! The team performed brilliantly at Cochrane Park winning one game and drawing 2 others, and only narrowly missing out on a semi-final place! Goals in the tournament came from Kirstie and Emily G, with strong supporting efforts from the rest of the team. Later in the week, the girls played

Orienteering in PE

As part of our recent learning in PE, pupils have enjoyed developing their orienteering skills. Skills Builder has been in action with great communication, teamwork and positivity from everyone involved. The PE team have been excited to use the new orienteering timing equipment and have been really pleased with the map reading skills on display. There’s been a real buzz

Chess Tournament

This week, 12 pupils attended the English U19 National School Chess Championships at St. Mary’s School in Newcastle.  We were able to take two teams and it was great to see some new faces representing our school for the first time. One of our teams nearly qualified but was drawn against a strong team in the final round.   Chess Club

Children In Need

Wow – school has been absolutely buzzing today! Classes in KS2 and KS3 paired up to plan a wide range of creative stalls for the return of our ‘Big Children in Need Fair’. The children planned each stall brilliantly and it was great to see the whole school working together to raise funds. The fair has been packed during lunchtime

PTA Festive Pop-Up Shop

Our Christmas Pop-Up Shop will return this year. We are asking for gift donations to be sold at the shop. If you have anything you feel able to donate, please send items into school with your child. We appreciate your support once again. The children always love buying gifts for their loved ones. Items will be priced at £2 each. 

Stonewall Rainbow Laces Offer

We would like to give pupils in school the opportunity to swap their normal trainer/boots footwear for PE to rainbow lessons, celebrating 10 years of the Rainbow Lace campaign with Stonewall.  Pupils may already have some laces.  If not, Stonewall are offering a 15% discount and they can be ordered from their website.  This campaign is optional for pupils but

Peter J Murray returns to HMS!

It was a delight to welcome Pete and his wife, Kath, back to HMS this week. Pete has presented to the whole school and we have loved hearing him talk about his latest release, the very spooky ‘Darker Side of Wight’. Pete commented on how engaged the audiences were in both key stages, and the school has been abuzz with


We’ll be fundraising for BBC Children in Need on Friday 17th November.  We have an exciting day planned including:  The return of our ‘Big Children in Need Fair’  Bearpees Challenge Wear spotty clothes and accessories (or your own clothes!)  To ensure the event is fully inclusive, we have set up an open donation on School Gateway. Our suggested donation is £2

REA Days

WOW – what an amazing two days we have had! The school has been a total buzz of engagement with pupils working in small groups across a huge range of enrichment activities as part of our Personal Development curriculum. It has been a joy to see such positivity and excitement across the school, and to hear such great feedback from

UK Parliament Week

To mark UK Parliament Week, we had the pleasure of inviting Lord Hutton of Furness to speak to our Year 5 pupils about his life and work as a Lord. During a 25-minute presentation and Q&A session, Lord Hutton explained how he has a special connection to Hexham Middle School with his children and grandchildren coming to this school.  Our