First Aid Week

What a great experience this week has been… First Aid training across the school as part of our PSHE and Personal Development Curriculum.  Huge thank you to our amazing PTA for their generous support!  #Respect #Engage #Aspire 

Valentine’s Cupcakes

Miss Gray is delighted to offer our parents and pupils the chance to order special Valentine’s Cupcakes with all proceeds going to our two chosen charities.  Orders can be placed now via School Gateway and by completing the online order form which has been sent home.  You can order single cupcakes for pupils to enjoy at break time or to

Royal Academy of Arts – Young Artist Competition

Miss Taylor is delighted to launch this year’s Royal Academy of Art competition. For the last two years, we have been so proud to see HMS pupils’ work displayed in the London gallery. Archie and Callum’s chocolate bar sculpture was on proud display as well as artwork from James and Annabelle.  Could you be the next HMS pupil to have

Lunar New Year Banquet

To mark the celebration of the Lunar New Year, Mrs Satow and Mr Armstrong have organised a very special menu for us all to enjoy next week. It sounds amazing! Themed lunches are paid for in the usual way via School Gateway and cost the same as any other day. We can’t wait for this special treat!

Road Safety Awareness

It was great to welcome Theatre Space North East to HMS once again to deliver an engaging road safety performance for our Year 8 pupils. Pupils enjoyed the performance and were able to give their feedback at the end to reflect their learning. This important theme is part of our ‘staying safe and well’ curriculum.Staying safe in the community is

KS2 Creative Competition

Time to get creative – Design a New Game Entries can be on paper or submitted electronically via the school’s email address: The deadline for entries is Thursday 15th February. Winners will be announced in assemblies after half term.Good luck! #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Mark Your Mark – Your chance to have a say…

Pupils in Key Stage 3 (Years 7 and 8) are now able to vote online for one campaign area in the  UK Youth Parliament’s Make Your Mark 2024 campaign.  The deadline for online voting is 8th March.  We will be reminding pupils in assembly and form time about this chance to be an active citizen, exercising their right to vote in

Food Technology

The food technology room has been buzzing with activity as our new ‘Junior Chefs’ started this month – Miss Gray will send us more updates soon – it’s been great to see such excitement!  Our Year 5 pupils have been completing sensory analysis as part of their smoothie making classes this week.  We love having food technology as part of

First Aid Training

As part of our Personal Development curriculum, we are thrilled that every single pupil will receive first aid training this week. This is such a vitally important lesson for our pupils who will be able to take what they learn into their everyday lives and into the community.Huge thank you to our amazing PTA for supporting the cost of the