Well Done Year 6!

We are so proud of our Year 6 children – they have worked so hard all week and have approached their assessments with a ‘can do’, positive and resilient attitude.  It was great to invite Tyne Valley Ices back this afternoon as a special treat to celebrate their hard work. It’s Reward Day tomorrow and we’re looking forward to celebrating! 

HMS Ofsted Inspection 

As you know, Ofsted visited our school in April. I always say that we have so much to be proud of at HMS – engaged, enthusiastic and positive pupils who love learning; dedicated and highly-skilled staff who go the extra mile for our pupils and a supportive wider school community for which we are very grateful. To have that sense

Goodnight Mr Tom

Goodnight Mr Tom – Queen’s Hall, Hexham  We are so proud to hear that Katie, Owen, George and Sam (all in Year 6) will be part of the cast of Goodnight Mr Tom showing at the Queen’s Hall in June. Tickets are available to purchase now. Good luck to you all, and the whole cast and crew!  https://www.queenshall.co.uk/whats-on/goodnight-mister-tom #Respect #Engage

Warm Weather

It’s great to see the sun shining…. please remind the children to bring a water bottle (named) and sunhat to school. Suncream should be applied before school for the day.  We probably have over 50 lost water bottles in lost property…. despite regular reminders, these aren’t collected. We can’t store them for too much longer so please encourage your child

REA Awards

Respect Engage Aspire Awards  Each week, our form tutors award pupils in their classes with our ‘REA Awards’. The awards recognise pupils who shine each week and who bring our HMS values – Respect Engage Aspire – to life.  Well done to this week’s winners from Y5, 6 and 7 – we are very proud of you! #Respect #Engage #Aspire  

Reading Plus

Well done to Henry (Y5) and Ben (Y6) who have read the most words on Reading Plus this week.  They were awarded a book token in assembly and got to visit the HMS Library to choose a book from the prize hamper to take home, enjoy and keep.  Well done both of you and to everyone who is using Reading Plus so brilliantly!  #WeLoveReading #Respect #Engage

Good luck!

As you know, our Year 6 pupils will sit their ‘End of Key Stage Assessments (SATs)’ next week. We are exceptionally proud of all of our Year 6 pupils. They have all worked incredibly hard this year and continue to achieve brilliantly. All we can ask is that they continue to maintain their outstanding efforts over the next week and

Year 7 Drama Workshop

60 of our Year 7 pupils took part in a drama workshop delivered by external provider Grace Kirby this week. Students were encouraged to engage with the character of Sherlock Holmes through games and drama activities, which focused on getting into character and playing a part accurately. The pupils were fantastic and often very funny! I think it’s safe to

Royal Academy of Arts – Pupil Success!

We are delighted to announce that Billy in Year 7 has been successful in having his wonderful artwork displayed in this year’s Young Artists’ Summer Show at The Royal Academy of Arts in London. The artwork entries were judged by a panel of artists and professionals and he is one of the chosen winners from across the UK. This is