Red Nose Day

What a great day we have had raising funds for Comic Relief. In the spirit of the day, we have had great a laugh, had loads of fun and supported a very important charity. Well done to everyone for getting involved today and thank you so much to parents/carers for their support. At lunchtime, pupils enjoyed: Soak the teacher – a

HMS Way Award

Here are this week’s ‘HMS Way Award’ winners. The awards recognise pupils who shine each week and who bring our HMS values – Respect Engage Aspire – to life. Well done to this week’s winners – we are very proud of you all!  Respect. Engage. Aspire.

Rising Stars -Year 6

Yesterday, we held our first Rising Stars Assembly for our Year 6 pupils, celebrating their achievements in Maths and English! Each week, maths and English teachers will choose students to walk the red carpet and proudly receive their certificate and a well-deserved P4 reward. The Rising Stars Assemblies are all about motivation, encouragement, and preparing our students for success. Over

HMS Spring Games

What a week we have had for this year’s HMS Spring Games! The sun has been shining for us and it’s definitely felt like spring has been in the air! The children have enjoyed getting involved in a wide range of sporting activities representing their House teams and earning P points for the House totals! Special points have been awarded

Pupil Success!

We are very proud of our Lego League Team for their recent participation in the competition in North Tyneside. The team was presented with their medals in assembly last week. Miss Richardson was delighted to present special recognition awards for the recent English projects following our showcase events. Well done everyone! Respect. Engage. Aspire.

Young Green Briton Challenge

We are looking for a potential sponsor to help support a team of pupils that will head down to London for the grand final of the Young Green Briton Challenge this summer. We are currently in the regional heat stage, with an event to be held at Hexham Abbey in April. In the spirit of being environmentally friendly, we would like

Football Update

On Wednesday evening, a team of Year 6 pupils led by Mr Nichol made their way to Highfield Middle School to participate in a football tournament. In game one, Hexham defeated Highfield with a 2-0 win courtesy of excellent strikes by George R and Ben R. Unfortunately in game two, the Hexham boys were defeated but still maintained their composure,

HMS PTA – Support Needed

The HMS PTA are a small, very friendly group of volunteers who work together to raise funds to support school life. We are seeking new members and supporters to join us and would really appreciate you getting in touch with us. We know how busy parents/carers and family members are and we’d love to be flexible to get as many

Spring Concert – Save the Date

Save the date for our Spring Concert on 9th April, which will feature many of our HMS students in the Show Choir.  The concert will also feature the fantastic new QEHS Soul Band as well as favourites such as the Jazz Band, Wind Band, QEHS Choir, String Ensemble and much more!

Pupil Art

Last week, Carrie (Y8) asked me if she could paint some artwork in our new ‘Sensory Space’. I thought it was a fantastic idea and couldn’t wait to see her work. Carrie has painted her own interpretation of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘The Starry Night’ and it looks absolutely fantastic under the sensory room lights.  How talented! Thank you so much,