Mr Barry’s Sports Round-Up: KS3 Football

On Monday the girls in Years 7 and 8 were in action against Highfield. Both teams showed an extremely confident start to their games and played with sensational energy throughout. In game one for Year 7 they took an early lead through a terrific Katie R strike sending the ball high into the top corner. Defensive resilience from Elizabeth and

Mandarin Club

Last week in Mandarin Club, pupils were given the opportunity to make Chinese dumplings, a traditional meal to celebrate Chinese New Year. Pupils prepared their dough and fillings as well as shaping their dumplings; they looked and smelled delicious!  Thank you Lily from Confucius Institute for our cookery lesson.

World Book Day: more photos!

Staff and pupils enthusiastically took part in World Book Day last week (Thursday 7 March 2019), dressing up as characters from literary works. We have compiled a few photos below to showcase the costumes! Mrs Alderson also shared photos of the brilliant sculptures that Year 5 pupils made out of old books on World Book Day to recycle some of

Time to become a Rock Star!

We are excited to launch Times Tables Rock Stars across Key Stage 2! All pupils should now have received log in details. Please encourage your child to access or download the app. The more they play, the more they can unlock on their quest to become the ‘Rock Hero’! This is a fun, quick and easy way to learn times

Pancake Day!

To celebrate Pancake Day, Year 6 have been making pancakes in Food Technology over the last week. The tasty results can be seen in these pictures from Miss Kwella!

International Women’s Day

In the past we have celebrated International Women’s Day in different ways. The theme this year is “Balance for Better”. During pupils’ registration periods, they will have the chance to explore the theme for this year in the form of discussion or debate. We aim to produce a display in school that includes photographs of pupils and staff adopting the

Comic Relief 2019

On Friday 15 March 2019 there will be activities within school to raise money for Comic Relief. We will be having a non-school uniform day on Friday, inviting pupils to wear either some items that are red or funny clothes. There will be a voluntary donation of £1.00. Please note that pupils should dress appropriately for school, taking weather conditions

Reading Photography Competition Winners

To celebrate World Book Day, over the last few weeks we have hosted a reading photography competition: photos of pupils reading or telling a story in an unusual or amusing place. We were so impressed with all the entries that we received; it was very hard to choose the winners! The winning photos for each year group and their captions

Reading Plus Success!

Mrs Roff would like to say a HUGE congratulations to all of the Year 6 pupils who’ve been accessing Reading Plus online intervention over the last few months. Together, they’ve read 1 MILLION WORDS and are today going to enjoy cakes and treats as a reward. Next stop… 2 million!

World Book Day 2019

Staff and pupils had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day today! Here is the fantastic display created with all of the images from the Extreme Reading competition. Thank you, as always, for your support.