Mr Barry’s Sports Round-Up: Year 7 Rugby

On Friday afternoon the Year 7 boys were in action in the last 16 of the National finals for the Champions Cup. They were representing the North East against Yorkshire in what was a magnificent game! Incredibly brave and tenacious defence mixed with powerful running and determination saw HMS put in an outstanding performance. The boys played with their hearts on

Mr Barry’s Sports Round-Up: Year 7 Football

On Thursday the Year 7 boys were in last 16 action in the football county cup against RGS.  The boys started brightly and created a number of good chances and missed narrowly. The deadlock was broken midway through the first half after Ollie P was fouled on the edge of the area and James S smashed the free kick home

Northumberland Youth Cabinet & Parliament Elections

Last Wednesday HMS took part in the Northumberland Youth Cabinet and Parliament elections. Many thanks to all the staff involved in supporting our pupils to undertake their very first political vote, electing pupils across the Northumberland county. Well done to our two head pupils for supporting other ballot station staff on the day. We would like to encourage pupils to

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch

Pupils in Key Stage Two have been taking part in the UK’s biggest citizen science project, the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch. The data collected from the school site will help contribute to a ‘snapshot’ of bird numbers across the UK, allow the RSPB to monitor trends and helps us understand how birds are doing.

Mr Barry’s Sports Round-Up: Football & Rugby

After a busy weekend of sport we have had some huge success on the football and rugby pitches! On Saturday, five HMS boys were in action for the West Tyne District team in their 5-2 victory over Redcar and Cleveland. James Simpson, Alex Martin, David Dodd, Sam Clarke and scorer of the 4th goal Josh Ritchie all played brilliantly! Well done

SATs Information Evening

We will be holding our SATS Information Evening for Year 6 parents/carers on Wednesday 29 January 2020 at 6pm in Fellside Hall. This will be a very useful session where you will get an insight into the arrangements for the End of Key Stage 2 Assessments. It would be fantastic to see as many of you there as possible. Thank

Arts Award

Pupils are working with Miss Lawton on their Part A for Arts Award. They are learning collagraph and mono-print techniques. Soon, we’ll be moving on to screen-printing but for now we are busy working on the etching press. We are printing from nature!

HMS Teams Up With Northumbria Police vs Cyber Crime

As part of a new pilot scheme, the Northumbria Police Cyber Crime team are working with pupils from HMS to develop a child-friendly version of the Computer Misuse Act alongside Newcastle University and Northumberland County Council. Pupils now have the opportunity to make their own version of the Computer Misuse Act to educate their classmates about cyber crime and its