Free Audiobooks from Audible!

Audible, the audiobook platform run by Amazon, has now cancelled the subscription requirement of books and audio stories for children of all ages as long as schools are closed. Children everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids. All stories are free

Google Classroom Tutorials

Our very own Mrs Tanner has been very busy creating four amazing video tutorials for using Google Classroom. These are now available on our website. They are informative, clear and allow you to listen and watch exactly what Mrs Tanner is doing. Thank you so much, Mrs Tanner! We hope you find these useful as you explore Google Classroom over

Maths Home Learning

At HMS, we use many resources and fantastic materials produced by White Rose Maths. Like many other companies, White Rose Maths have very kindly provided additional ‘Home Learning’ resources during these unprecedented times. They are releasing free video tutorials, worksheets and answers for pupils to use at home. They can be found at  Thank you so much to White Rose

World Book Day – Year 5

Year 5 had a lovely World Book Day last week and as you can see the costumes were amazing!  We had great fun doing book quizzes and trying to follow instructions to make a Tom Gates monster! Mrs Hall

KS3 Sugarcraft Club

KS3 Sugarcraft Club began last week, and with Miss Kwella they have been decorating sugar cookies using royal icing and sugar paste colours. The results were fantastic and the pupils left with some lovely looking biscuits. Next week they will be learning how to make sugar flowers.  Below are some pictures from last week’s session!

Mother’s Day Pop-Up Shop

The PTA are organising a Mother’s Day Pop Up Shop in school at lunchtime on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 March 2020. Children will be able to choose a gift from a selection of donated items and have their gift wrapped. All gifts will be sold for £2 (including wrapping). All money raised will help the PTA fund events and activities for

Mr Barry’s Sports Round-Up: Y7 Rugby League & Y8 Thunder Cup

Year 7 Girls’ Rugby: Champions Cup On Thursday afternoon the Year 7 girls were in Champions Cup action! In their first rugby league tournament, the girls were up against Churchill,  Seaton Sluice, John Spence, Whytrigg and Ponteland. The girls were phenomenal! They won 3-0 against Churchill,  3-0 against John Spence, 3-2 against Ponteland, and drew the other two games. This

Year 6 Mini Medics

We were delighted to welcome Robin into school today who held his first session with our new cohort of Year 6 ‘Mini Medics’. 20 pupils from Year 6 have been successful in applying for their place on the training course. We look forward to watching their learning progress and, before we know it, they’ll be highly skilled in first aid

Mr Barry’s Sports Round-Up: Year 8 Rugby

Year 8 Girls’ Rugby The new Year 8 girls team were in action on the South Tyneside coast against Whitburn School on Monday. In what for most was only their first or second game they played incredibly!  The game started with the more experienced Whitburn scoring a couple of quick tries. However HMS started to grow in confidence and started

PTA Fundraising and Events

Our PTA has put together a list of ways that parents/carers can help and raise money, for free! Click the flyer below for more information. The upcoming PTA events are: Spring Disco (Years 5 & 6) – 12 March 2020 Mother’s Day Pop-Up Shop – 17 & 18 March 2020 Seniors All Request Disco (Years 7 & 8) – 26