Time Capsules

During this unprecedented time, it would be fantastic if the children could capture their memories of this historic period. This is a great way to reflect on the positive things they are doing, the memories they are making at home and work going on in the community. It also allows them to record special occasions celebrated in different ways and

Blog Post #2: Mrs Henderson

Hi Everyone Let’s get caught up. Let me share a few of the things I have been up to over the last few weeks. A long time ago, when I was young, I used to knit. Over the past few weeks, I have picked up my knitting needles, wool and started knitting again. Not for myself, but for premature babies

Online Safety Update

We have received further communication from Northumbria Police asking us to remind parents about monitoring their children’s use of the internet in these difficult times when everyone’s online activity has spiked. Please find below a link to a document for parents/carers, which has been produced nationally and provides valuable links and information.  As always, if you need any additional support,

Blog Post #1: Mrs Roff

Mrs Roff and Penelope are enjoying life in lockdown, especially when the sun shines! She can’t wait to meet all of the children when things return to normal and will be sure to make a visit to HMS as soon as lockdown is lifted 🙂 Stay safe everyone and we can’t wait to see you all soon. 

Maths Whizz Success

We are so grateful to Maths Whizz for allowing every pupil in school to access their resources during this challenging time. It has been fantastic to see such high levels of engagement. Once pupils complete the initial assessment, they can access an online tailored maths tuition course which is designed just for them. It is an engaging way to learn

Special Delivery!

The HMS and QEHS staff in school today were so grateful to receive a special delivery from The Rising Cafe, Hexham. The staff from the cafe dropped off the most generous package of delicious cakes and scones as a token of support for the hard-working school staff working to support children of key workers and vulnerable students. Thank you so

Online Safety Advice

HMS has received the message below from the Detective Sergeant responsible for the management of the Northumbria Police PREVENT team within Special Branch: ‘As you may be aware our children and young people are sadly vulnerable to being drawn into concerning activity of various descriptions through their online activity. The forced hiatus bringing the premature closure of our schools due

Young Artists’ Summer Show

The Young Artists’ Summer Show, run annually by the Royal Academy of Arts, is an opportunity for young artists aged 5-19 years old to submit their work to the Royal Academy. Artwork will be judged by a panel of art experts including academic staff, curators and students from the Royal Academy, with prizes awarded within each key stage. The Show

Resources for Supporting Young People

The Psychological and Educational teams at Northumberland County Council have collated some resources to assist parents/carers in supporting young people during this time. “The current situation has been very unsettling for adults and children alike. Worry and concern have been very present in the news. All adults and children will have some degree of awareness of events, and may have

Thank you!

As we come to the end of the first week since our school closed (for most pupils), it’s important to reflect and think about the things we are thankful for, such as: All of the unbelievable key workers who are out there supporting the fight against COVID19.  Our fantastic pupils who have been in school with us this week with