Blog Post #19: Mr Barry (Part 3)

I hope everyone had a great half term break. We were very lucky to have fantastic weather for the week, which was perfect for sport and building projects! We have finally finished our garden project with a new gate and bin store. Then a trip to the beach for the sea and some football training. Looking forward to seeing some

Bees & Conservation Competition

We have had some fantastic entries to the Bees and Conservation Competition for Northumberland County Council.  Miss Lawton is so proud of the pupils who took the time to enter! Well done. Thank you to Mrs Adams for sharing the competition with the Art Department!

Year 7 Shakespeare Globe Models

Miss Barnett’s Year 7 pupils have made some amazing reconstructions of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. They used everything from models to Minecraft to cakes to make their reconstructions, some of which are pictured below!

Well-being Activities: June

It is a new month with a new calendar of well-being activities passed on by Mrs Henderson! (© ELSA Support). See how many you can do this month and let us know how you’re getting on.

Screen-printing Artwork

During their creative activities at school before half term, Miss Lawton introduced HMS pupils to screen-printing. In the first session, pupils screen-printed rainbows and created a display with their artwork. Heidi S was able to make a start on Part D of her Arts Award project. Having learnt new screen-printing skills, Heidi shared printing techniques with other pupils. Thanks to

Blog Post #18: Mr Johnson

Hi everyone, hope we are all coping in these strange times. Like many, as soon as lockdown started I decided I was going to work on improving my fitness. I started off walking around my local area, then picked it up to a bit of light cycling before attempting a bit of jogging. 8 weeks later and there has been

Rainbow Bake Off

Miss Kwella has enjoyed receiving your wonderful #rainbowbakeoff entries over the last week. Well done to everyone who took part, they are all fantastic! We have collated all the entries and have created a gallery for you, so you can have a look at all the amazing bakes! Winners will be announced shortly! Well done!

Blog Post #17: Mrs Hall

We have had a small tub of water for birds in our garden for a few years now and every year we had a frog sitting in it so we decided to build it a wildlife pond. We dug the hole and lined it with pond liner, filled it with water and added a stones. We were also very lucky

Blog Post #16: Mrs Dando (& Crumble)

Mrs Dando’s dog Crumble has very kindly provided today’s lockdown blog! Click through the images below to read Crumble’s story. My name is Crumble. I live with Mrs Dando. This is her working from home. I love footballs. I love eating footballs. I love tennis balls. I love frisbees. I love all my footballs. But I’m not very good in

Creative Digital Activities

Apple has published 30 fun, constructive and creative activities to do with the built-in features of an iPhone/iPad – see below for the full list! 30 Creative Activities with an iPhone/iPad (PDF)