Blog Post #5: Mr Freeman-Myers

Mr Freeman-Myers has been embarking on a greenhouse project – see the pictures below for the full journey!   The greenhouse arrived flat packed. Preparing the site. Clearly the previous owner used to have a greenhouse as I unearth a cast iron heater. Putting in the base… Good job I know how to make a lapped joint… Pre-painting the panels.

Blog Post #4: Miss Lawton

Alongside planning some interesting projects in Art for all of you guys at HMS (details coming soon) I have been doing yoga, meditating and doing lots of painting. I’ve been painting forms in nature, like mosses and lichens.  Then, I started making larger paintings using paints called ‘ocres’ which are made in the South of France. This pigment, I mix

Pastoral Team Newsletter #2

Our Pastoral Team have created a regular newsletter for HMS pupils. The newsletter includes guidance and support for how pupils may be feeling during this unprecedented time. There are also some activities on looking and thinking ahead. The latest issue (#2) and previous issues are available to download on our Pupil Well-being page.

Supporting Reading at Home

Keep calm and carry on reading!  Miss Prince has some top tips to help you support reading at home:  1. Ask your child lots of questions – ask lots of ‘Wh’ questions, such as Who? What? When? Where? Why? Try them when talking about books: for example, ‘what do you think Harry is feeling?’ 2. Ask your child to make predictions about what

Blog Post #3: Mrs Coldwell

Mrs Coldwell has been enjoying lots of walks and fresh air with her dog Woody – as you can see from the photograph, he is very happy about this! 😊 Stay safe everyone and I will look forward to seeing you all soon! Have you got any cute pet photos you could share with us?

Parent/Carer Contact Details

We have noticed that a few of our parent emails are not delivering. We understand that contact details may be changing during this uncertain period. If you would like to update your details with us to ensure that you receive all of our correspondence, please email your new details to or call the main office (01434 602533). The website

Pastoral Team Newsletter

Our Pastoral Team are creating a regular newsletter for HMS pupils. The first issue went out during the Easter holidays and includes guidance and support on how pupils may be feeling during this unprecedented time. There are also some activities on looking and thinking ahead. The first issue is available to download on our Pupil Well-being page.

Time Capsules

During this unprecedented time, it would be fantastic if the children could capture their memories of this historic period. This is a great way to reflect on the positive things they are doing, the memories they are making at home and work going on in the community. It also allows them to record special occasions celebrated in different ways and

Blog Post #2: Mrs Henderson

Hi Everyone Let’s get caught up. Let me share a few of the things I have been up to over the last few weeks. A long time ago, when I was young, I used to knit. Over the past few weeks, I have picked up my knitting needles, wool and started knitting again. Not for myself, but for premature babies

Online Safety Update

We have received further communication from Northumbria Police asking us to remind parents about monitoring their children’s use of the internet in these difficult times when everyone’s online activity has spiked. Please find below a link to a document for parents/carers, which has been produced nationally and provides valuable links and information.  As always, if you need any additional support,