Blog Post #10: Mrs Beattie

We have had a very busy time at home during lockdown. As always at this time of year we have welcomed lots of new lambs and calves onto the farm! The weather has definitely been on our side this year, which has made being outside on the farmyard so much nicer. We even managed to do some den building in

HMS #RainbowBakeOff

Attention all budding bakers! Miss Kwella would like to set you the challenge this week of a rainbow themed bake off! Your challenge this week is to bake something with a rainbow theme to show support for NHS and keyworkers. It could be a sponge cake, biscuits, scones, a fruit desert, jelly, a pudding, ice lollies, cupcakes, or any other

Blog Post #9: Miss Kwella

Miss Kwella has been enjoying doing lots of cooking and baking during lockdown. She would like to share some of her favourite recipes with you, many of which she uses on a regular basis. Pork and Apple Meatballs: Ginger Sponge Cake: Easy Banana Cake: Honey Glazed Salmon: Chocolate Cake (makes a fabulous chocolate sponge): Quick

Calendar of Activities for May

It’s the 1st of May tomorrow – time is flying by! Mrs Henderson has sent us this great calendar of activities for the month of May which promote positive mental health and well-being (© ELSA Support). See how many you can do this month and let us know how you’re getting on.

Blog Post #8: Mrs Bond

Hi everyone! I have been making the most of this glorious weather by spending as much time outside as I possibly can. I have been going for daily walks with my family and are thoroughly enjoying seeing lots of lovely surprises on the way, especially some extremely creative rainbows! This bonus time at home has enabled me to spend lots

Nancy Rothwell Drawing Competition

Another art competition up for grabs!  The Nancy Rothwell drawing competition is a fab opportunity and wonderful prizes on offer! The Nancy Rothwell Award celebrates specimen drawing in schools and highlights the benefits of combining art and science. There are three age categories (7-11, 12-14, and 15-18) and prizes are awarded for the top three runner-up entries and the overall

Blog Post #7: Mrs Toor

After a day either working in school or at home, I like to go for a run with my daughter. I am not a natural runner but decided a couple of weeks ago that I needed to challenge myself during this strange time – “Lockdown”! Luckily, I live next to a running track so I decided that every other day

Newcastle University 2020 Maths Challenge: Results

Mrs Bond and Mr Forster invited their pupils to take part in this year’s Newcastle University Maths Challenge. The university received 1,437 entries from schools and have awarded 47 top prizes and 44 certificates. We are so proud to announce that five HMS pupils were included in the winners list. A massive well done to these five pupils and to

Playground Art

It has been lovely to see a rainbow of colours on the Year 5 yard recently.  Having such beautiful weather last week has allowed pupils at school to spend time putting their creativity to work. Let’s keep the smiles on our faces during this time and celebrate the work of all key workers including our carers on Thursdays.”

Blog Post #6: Mr Barry

Hi all, During lockdown it has been strange times for everyone but luckily we have had brilliant weather! I am gutted we haven’t been able to get out onto the athletics track to break school records this year but hopefully we will be back soon!  One job I have had over the Easter holidays was to dig up a giant