TCS Digital Explorers 2020

This is an interactive programme designed to give young people an insight into digital and tech careers. It is aimed at Year 7 and 8 pupils, but pupils from all year groups are welcome to take part. The programme runs up until 31 August so could be something to continue over the summer holidays should you wish.  Everyone who completes the Digital Explorers

UK Junior Mathematics Challenge

Congratulations to all of our Year 8 pupils who participated in the UK Junior Mathematics Challenge which took place online last week. Once again, HMS pupils continue to excel in their attitudes and achievements during this lock-down period. The results have been outstanding and we are extremely proud to announce 24 pupils have been awarded a certificate.  The following pupils

HMS Library Books

If you’re in Year 8 and you have borrowed any library books from school during lockdown, we would really appreciate it if you could bring them back in. If you’re in school next week, just hand them to your form teacher. Please don’t worry if you’re not in school, but if you could ensure that any school library books are

Year 8 Leavers’ Exhibition

There is currently Year 8 artwork surrounding the whole school, including displays and an exhibition of pupils’ artwork in Fellside Hall.  Please find the Exhibition text below: Portraiture and Identity ‘We are Year 8: The advantage of being me’ Each of the four Year 8 classes at our school have researched a number of artists including Lucian Freud, Stanley Spencer,

Staffing for September 2020

We have now sent letters home containing detail of your child’s form tutor for September 2020. The new teaching teams are below.  New class groups have been formed for year 6. This is due to an increase in pupil numbers meaning that the year group will now have four form classes. The class groups have been very carefully planned by

Year 4 Virtual Taster Day today!

Welcome to our Year 4 Virtual Transfer Day! You should now have received an email containing lots of activities and information. Start the day by watching our ‘Welcome to Year 5’ video to hear from your new teachers. Enjoy the day everyone!  Questions for Mr Stephenson  Lots of you sent Mr Stephenson questions about HMS which he has answered in

Year 4 Virtual Taster Day – Monday!

Our Virtual Transfer Day will take place on Monday 6 July 2020. All of the resources including video links will be sent to you on Monday morning. If you are busy on Monday, you can access the activities at a time suitable for you. As well as exciting activities for you to enjoy at home, we will send you links

Big Bang Digital 2020

The Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair has moved online for 2020. ‘Big Bang Digital 2020 – science, engineering & Covid-19’ will be on Tuesday 14 July 2020, a free online event for young people aged 11+. Big Bang Digital celebrates the amazing work of scientists and engineers in a pandemic, with online sessions to give pupils a

HMS Spreading Positivity: Update

Our pupils in school have been writing special poems with a positive, uplifting message. These poems will be written inside decorated cards and delivered to isolated and vulnerable members of our community who would really benefit from a joyful message. Below is a poem from Edie in Year 6 which will be sent to one of our nominated community members: