There are six positive moral traits that we value at HMS. They are: courage, generosity, justice, humility, integrity and honesty. Throughout the year we focus on one of these each half term. Character education is taught across the broad and balanced curriculum and wider personal development offer at Hexham Middle School.
Assemblies are a key part of teaching our pupils about these moral traits. We can do this at a whole-school level with our weekly Monday online assembly. We also value the time that Heads of Key Stage also have each week when years group come together. Form time allows for a smaller-scale opportunity to unpick thoughts and possible misconceptions about our school’s moral traits.
As a school we:
- Encourage all pupils to understand and value positive moral attributes (virtues) that would make them well-rounded, grounded citizens –
- Pupils are exposed to these positive character virtues throughout the academic year. Each half term we dedicate time to learn more and attempt to apply these virtues. Throughout a pupil’s journey at Hexham Middle School, they should build their knowledge and understanding of these virtues and should be able to habituate them with increasing confidence.
- Support the development of the skills required to function in and contribute to society – these include the eight essential Skills Builder skills.
- Aim to aid the social and emotional development of pupils to better understand themselves and work on their weaknesses – we adopt the principles of emotion coaching to support the development of social and emotional co-regulation.
- Actively promote and instil in pupils a developing moral compass and to support them to understand and interact with other people.
- Provide a wide range of extracurricular activities for pupils develop their character.
- Recognise the school values of Respect, Engage, Aspire and reward this regularly each week in pastoral and termly celebration assemblies.
- Value every opportunity for pupils and staff to forge positive relationships.