Our School approach to Careers adopts an ambitious approach forming part of a much broader trust strategy, providing diverse career knowledge and the acquisition of 21st Century skills and competencies (favoured by the dynamic world of work). This philosophy is underpinned by a knowledge-rich curriculum supported by transferable skills. 

  • We have high aspirations for every pupil in the school and encourage them to be as ambitious as possible. 
  • Our careers programme seeks to fulfill the Gatsby Benchmarks, capitalising on new opportunities where possible to respond to the school’s local and regional context.
  • We seek to invite different organisations into the school to engage pupils in the own journey to learn more about the world of work. This is part of our ASPIRE Conference. 
  • We aim to break down stereotypical judgements and misconceptions about the world of work. 
  • Pupils, during their time at Hexham Middle school, will receive some guided learning hours of careers education as part of their PSHE programme. 
  • We have a dedicated careers webpage that acts as a one-stop shop for pupils, parents/carers, teachers and support staff, and other employment and training providers. 

How is CEIAG implemented and monitored for impact?

  • At Hexham Middle School, we have developed good links with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP). We provide opportunities for pupils to develop their leadership skills. We celebrate National Careers Week with appropriate events.
  • We have two Skills Builder Skills Days each year, which build pupils’ transferable and employability skills. We undertake Future Skills Questionnaires on Compass+ with pupils in year 8 to evaluate and monitor impact of the careers programme. 
  • Careers Education is part of the Quality of Education review process. Staff CPD is planned to give timely updates.
  • Trustee review of policy and careers programme.