Hexham Middle School
Whetstone Bridge Road
NE46 3JB
Tel: 01434 610300
General email: admin@hexhammiddle.org.uk
Telephone: 01434 610300
Admin Team: Managed by Office Manager: Kirstie Royce (Office Manager) working across both HMS and QEHS.
Our reception opening times are 8.00am – 4.00pm on Monday to Friday.
Telephone: 01434 610354
This number can be used from 8.00am to speak to a member of staff. Outside of school hours you are able to leave a voicemail.
Executive Headteacher
Executive Headteacher: Graeme Atkins
To make an appointment with the Executive Headteacher, please contact Anna Vellinga on 01434 610300 or admin@hexhammiddle.org.uk
Head of School
Head of School: Liam Watters
To make an appointment with the Head of School, please contact Anna Vellinga (PA to the Executive Headteacher and Heads of School ) on 01434 610300 or admin@hexhammiddle.org.uk
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo)
The SENDCo for HMS is Harry Morgan. He can be contacted on 01434 610300 or send@hexhammiddle.org.uk
Designated Safeguarding Lead
The DSL is Mark Stephenson, Assistant Headteacher and the Deputy DSLs are Stuart Rutherford-Orrock and Duncan Scott.
Trust Board
Hadrian Learning Trust is a multi-academy trust which currently comprises two schools: Hexham Middle School and Queen Elizabeth High School.
Chair of Trust Board: Mrs Kate MacLachlan
Vice Chair of Trust Board: Mrs Veryan Johnston
For further information about our multi-academy trust, please see the Hadrian Learning Trust page.
Parents/carers and others wishing to communicate with the Trust Board should address correspondence to:
The Chairperson
Hadrian Learning Trust
Whetstone Bridge Road
NE46 3JB
Email: admin@hexhammiddle.org.uk, Tel: 01434 610300
Paper Copies
If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please contact us (see above) or ask at Main Reception and a copy will be provided.