Peter J Murray Visit

We are extremely excited to announce that friend of the school and hugely popular children’s author Peter J Murray will be coming to visit HMS on 30 September 2019. He’ll be delivering presentations to both Key Stages launching his new book Poppy Warrior followed by a book signing on 1 October 2019. Letters with more details will be coming out

Curriculum Information Evenings

It has been fantastic to welcome our pupils back and to see so many new faces joining the school; everyone has settled back into routines well and are working hard in their lessons. At this point in the year, it is important that we embed routines and expectations so that all pupils can achieve their full potential in school. To

HMS Open Evening/Open Day

Our Information Evening for parents and pupils will be held on Thursday 19 September 2019, 6.00—8.00pm. This is your opportunity to see our lovely school and to meet senior staff, teachers and pupils. Our headteacher will be giving talks at: 6.00pm for those interested in a Year 5 place 6.30pm for those interested in a place in any year group

HMS Newsletter

The HMS newsletter contains school news, information about upcoming events in and outside of school, general notices for parents/carers and dates for your diary. The latest edition (Summer 2) is now available on the HMS Newsletter page.

PTA Update & Thanks

As the academic year draws to a close, we’ve been looking back over all the amazing events, experiences and opportunities that our children have enjoyed at HMS this year. It’s a long list! And it would not have been possible to provide these opportunities for our children without your support of our PTA. This year the PTA have helped with:

Summer Holidays Reading

The National Literacy Trust has highlighted 16 recommended titles for all ages to inspire children to pick up a book wherever they are over the summer holidays! For more information see:

KS2 Provisional Outcomes

We are absolutely delighted with our Year 6 pupils and their fantastic outcomes from the KS2 SATs. These results are testament to their outstanding work ethic and resilience as well as our brilliant teaching and support team. The pupils all worked so hard this year and we are confident that they will progress into the secondary phase of their education

Plastic Pollution Workshop

Earlier this week, our pupils took part in a Plastic Pollution workshop. They had to fuse plastic bags together to make a durable recycled material. Miss Kwella gave the pupils the theme of ‘animals’; they had to create textile motifs using plastic bags. 

Y7 Rugby Champions!

This year we have had an incredibly committed and successful rugby program. The work started with Mr Todhunter running a series of brilliant girls’ rugby sessions from September through to March. This was a fantastic introduction for the girls. In April we got the opportunity to enter the Newcastle Thunder Cup for our Year 7 boys and girls teams. Our