Remembrance Sunday
Mr Watters and Mrs Curry were delighted to attend the Remembrance Day Parade in Hexham on Sunday with our Head Pupils. James T did a fantastic job of laying the wreath on the war memorial and we were so proud of them all.
Mr Watters and Mrs Curry were delighted to attend the Remembrance Day Parade in Hexham on Sunday with our Head Pupils. James T did a fantastic job of laying the wreath on the war memorial and we were so proud of them all.
We were delighted to meet Debbie (from Hands On BSL Tutoring) and her interpreter, Emma who delivered our first BSL (British Sign Language) session last night. The children were so engaged and asked Debbie lots of questions about her life, her use of BSL and about the language and its use more generally. We all discussed how inspired we’d been
We are delighted that our Head Pupils will be attending the Hexham Remembrance Service on Sunday to represent our school community. The pupils will join the service and lay our wreath as a mark of respect and remembrance. We will be reflecting with a silence on Thursday to pause and remember the service and sacrifice of all those who have
On Friday 12 November, we will be raising funds to support Children in Need. Pupils are asked to wear their PE uniform to take part in the ‘Pudsey Fun Run’. There will also be a ‘Big Pudsey Singalong’ with Mr Holdsworth at lunchtime. We are asking for a voluntary donation (minimum £1 per pupil) which can now be made via
The Patient Experience Team at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is gathering feedback about their healthcare services from young people who live in either Northumberland or North Tyneside. They want to learn more about the views of young people to help inform and improve services for young people in the future. The survey is anonymous. As a thank you, you
The HMS PTA have now organised this term’s ‘Bag2School’ collection. If you would like to support the school’s PTA fundraising and are planning a clear out over half term, please bag up your items and send them into school. Bags can be returned to school with your children or, if it’s easier for you, we will be holding parent/carer drop-offs
Two drama teachers from the children’s work team at Hexham Abbey are launching drama workshops! There will be one per term on Saturday mornings, for children aged 9-13. The first one will be this Saturday, the 6 November, at The Great Hall in the Abbey from 10 am–12 noon. The theme will be ‘Plots and Plans’. There will be a
On Tuesday 9 and Thursday 11 November, we will hold our Year 6 Parents’ Evening. Following surveys last term, we have decided to keep these evenings online using the School Cloud system. Booking guidance has been sent home. If you need any support with the system, please contact the school office team who will be happy to help. Booking link:
Do you enjoy debating? Do you think YouTube is a good or bad thing? Access the link below with one or more others (friend, sibling, parent, carer, anyone you’d like to debate with!) and take 10 minutes to discuss arguments for and against this question. You’ll need to input the school name (it doesn’t work with the postcode, just ‘Hexham
Tying in with COP26, we have registered with Eco Schools. Moving into our new school building and grounds has provided us with a great opportunity to explore how we can operate more sustainably. We are calling upon a group of pupils from all year groups to become members of an Eco Schools Committee to instigate local, pupil-led investigation and action.