Wear Your Own Clothes Day – 27th May

Friday 27 May will be ‘Wear Your Own Clothes Day’!This is to support our Jubilee Summer Fair. We would very much appreciate it if pupils could bring in a tombola prize and hand it to their form tutor on the day. Please see the below flyer with the types of items we are looking for. If pupils would like to wear

HMS Pop Up Uniform Shop – 11th June

Saturday 11th June, Hexham Middle School Sports Hall 10.00am – 3.00pm We are excited to announce that this year we are able to offer an onsite uniform pop up shop. Please click here to book.  The HMS Jubilee summer fair is on the same date so if you are attending, you may like to book an appointment for the same time. If you

Whithaugh Park Residential

Mr Stephenson has created a presentation for Year 5 and Year 6 parents with information about the Whithaugh Park residential.  You can view this by clicking on the link below.   Whithaugh Park Information Evening Presentation (PowerPoint) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6WAGhn6JOo

This Week’s Big Debate Question

This week’s Big Debate question is ‘Should NHS workers have more child benefits than us?’ This is a great opportunity to develop speaking and listening skills with your child – something that we are promoting as a Skills Builder School. Get involved in the conversation by clicking the below link: The Big Debate Question

Year 8 Peer Mentors

Our Year 8 pupils have now completed their Peer Mentor training and have also undertaken safeguarding training which will allow them to work with some of the younger pupils. They have all worked incredibly hard on this and are now keen to work with Mr Stephenson on ways to support the KS2 pupils. They will be helping out at the weekly

Carbon Monoxide Awareness

Year 5 pupils had a fantastic time learning all about how to keep safe gaining an awareness of the dangers of Carbon Monoxide (CO). This took place through a variety of interactive activities in a half day workshop, delivered by arts practitioners from Bonanza Creative. Activities included drama tasks, games, and fun videos which demonstrated the basic facts of how the

‘Go Green’ School Uniform Recycling!

We are launching a new eco-friendly school uniform recycling service at HMS. The aim is to reduce waste and to recycle uniform items with the school logo. We are working with the brilliant local charity, Rosie’s Corner, who are currently unable to store branded uniform items. Please see full details on our ‘School Uniform Recycling’ webpage.  You can make a

Sporting Roundup

A fantastic week of events for pupils this week has seen pupils competing in the regional chess championship as well as the year 8 girls competing for their spot at the national stages of the Champion Schools Cup. Chess A huge thank you to Mr Freeman-Myers for organising this for HMS. On a day that saw HMS enter three teams

Royal Academy Art Competition

We have received some fantastic entries into the Royal Art Gallery competition!  The artworks are judged by a panel of passionate artists and arts professionals, with selected artworks displayed online and on-site at the Royal Academy of Arts in London.  Judging takes place in May with the online exhibition launching on 19th July 2022.  Have a look at our own

Linguacuisine Visit to Newcastle University

On Friday 18th March, 18 Year 7 pupils visited Newcastle University to take part in a language and cooking workshop, Linguacuisine.  Linguacuisine aims to promote the learning of digital literacy, languages, cuisines and cultures. It does this through co-design of downloadable apps and social recipes, using an authoring tool to develop an online community of practice. Pupils learnt about traditional Spanish food and had the