The HMS Way Awards

Each week, form tutors award pupils in their classes with ‘HMS Way Awards’. The awards recognise pupils who shine each week and who bring our HMS values – Respect Engage Aspire – to life. This week focused on pupils who have made a particularly positive start to the school year. Well done to this week’s winners – we are very proud

Team Building Day

It has been a pleasure to welcome all of our new starters to HMS this week. The children have settled in brilliantly and helped each other with the move to middle school. To end a great first week, Year 5 enjoyed a Team Building Day today with a wide range of activities including sports, drama and a visit to the Fellside

Charity Cake Sale

Mrs Ballantyne is organising a cake sale as part of Macmillan’s Coffee Morning. The sale will take place at morning break time on Friday 13th September. There’ll be a KS2 table in the front yard and a KS3 table in the games yard. If you would like to send in baked or bought donations, we would really appreciate it. Donations

HMS Council

Next week, each form class will nominate their representatives for this year’s HMS Council.  If you want to represent your form class, attend regular pupil voice meetings, develop your leadership skills and help to support fundraising in school, please put yourself forward. We can’t wait to work with our new council members this term. #Respect #Engage #Aspire

House Captains 2024

We are now starting the recruitment process for our Pupil Leadership Team.If you’re interested in becoming our next House Captains, Mr Scott will be sharing more information in next week’s Year 8 assembly. The whole school will vote on Monday 23rd September. #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Welcome to Year 5 Evening

It has been a joy to welcome our new Year 5 pupils to HMS this week – they have settled in brilliantly!We would like to invite parents/carers to our ‘Welcome to Year 5 Evening’ on Tuesday 17th September 6.00pm. This will be a presentation about the year ahead for your child delivered by school leaders. Please try to sign up

Welcome to a new term!

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to school on Wednesday 4th September. School opens at 8.40am for all year groups, and we are excited to welcome our new Year 5 pupils to HMS.  Timetables will be sent home before Wednesday and should now be available via MCAS. If you haven’t managed to log-in to MCAS yet, you should be able

End of Year Message

We’ve reached the end of another school year and it’s a great opportunity to reflect and be thankful for everything we have achieved. The last few weeks have been packed full with Sports Days, Skills Builder Days, trips/visits and even residentials… not to mention our Year 8 leavers’ events – it’s been the best way to end the year! A huge

Year 8 Leavers’ Assembly

It was a joy to gather for our Year 8 Leavers’ Celebration this morning. Mr Scott, Miss Lamont and the Year 8 team have worked so hard to provide our pupils with the best send off – and this was a perfect way to end! It was great to look back over the past four years and to see some

Music Award 2024

In what was Mr Holdworth’s final assembly, he was thrilled to recognise the musical achievements of so many of our pupils this year.  Alistair was awarded this year’s overall award for his huge talent, achievements and commitment to everything musical at HMS.  We are all very proud of you. Keep playing as you move to QEHS – we can’t to