Year 7 Summer Celebration Assembly

Year 7 had a wonderful Summer Celebration Assembly this morning. It was great to see the children celebrating each other’s achievements as awards were presented for each subject, attendance, positive points and extra-curricular engagement.  A special mention to Tristan J who was awarded this term’s Head of Key Stage 3 Award.  Congratulations everyone – you have all had a fantastic year! 

Have Your Say on Send!

Have Your Say on SEND!NCC SEND have worked with Northumberland Parent Carer Forum to develop a SEND Survey to hear what parents and carers think the priorities in SEND should be over the next three years. The survey is anonymous, takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and can be accessed through the Local Offer or through this link:…/send-survey/ NCC

House Point Cup

Well done to Coquet who are this year’s House Cup winners! Each house has earned a phenomenal number of house points across the school, but Coquet were crowned this year’s overall champions!  Well done everyone in Coquet!  #Respect #Engage #Aspire 

Sport Day 2024

The results are in…. this year’s winning House was Tweed.  Congratulations to House Captains, Martha and Patrick, who were presented with the Sports Day Cup in our Summer Celebration Assemblies this morning! Congratulations to everyone in Tweed, and the whole school for their excellent attitude on Sports Days.  #Respect #Engage #Aspire 

Year 6 Celebration Assembly

Year 6 had a wonderful Summer Celebration Assembly this morning. It was great to see the children celebrating each other’s achievements as awards were presented for each subject, attendance, positive points and extra-curricular engagement.  It was Miss Liddle’s final assembly with Year 6 before she leaves HMS and I know she is very proud of each and every one of

Year 8 Art Showcase

Our Year 8 pupils have been working hard on their final project of the year. Have a look at their amazing fantasy shoe creations. Pupils have designed and created their own shoes and we are so impressed with the final pieces – you can see a selection here.Miss Taylor has set up a special showcase for the whole school to

End of Y7 Trip

Our Year 7 pupils enjoyed an action-packed day at Dukeshouse Wood yesterday for their End of Year Trip!  It was great to see everyone working together, problem solving and enjoying a wide range of adventurous activities! Thank you to the staff at Dukehouse Wood for another great day! #Respect #Engage #Aspire 

KS3 Sports Day 2024

KS3 Sports Day 2024 It was great to get back outside for our KS3 Sports Day on Thursday.  The day started with every pupil competing for their houses in a wide range of activities. In the afternoon, the track races took place including our famous HMS relays – the final ones for our Year 8 pupils. The other pupils supported

Year 8 Leavers

It’s nearly the final week of term and we will be celebrating our Year 8 pupils next week before they move on to high school.  All week – early lunch treat! Wednesday – Year 8 Leavers’ Trip – Tynemouth Thursday – Year 8 Leavers’ Festival – 6-8pm – festival clothing (optional) Friday – Year 8 Leavers’ Assembly Friday – t-shirt