Happy Summer!

As we reach the end of the summer term, we can reflect on this period of our lives which has undoubtedly brought many negatives but also so many positives to take forward with us. Thank you to our pupils – both in school and at home – you have all worked exceptionally hard and coped with the challenges admirably. Thank

HMS Virtual Sports Week: Winners!

Good afternoon all! A huge congratulations to this year’s house winners! A huge thank you to everyone for all your sporting efforts this year! Have a great summer! https://www.hexhammiddleschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/virtual_sports_week_winners.mp4

September Information: For Pupils

We have produced some pupil-friendly overviews to provide more information on the return to school in September. Please share these with your children. We have reviewed many of the survey responses received this week and have tried to include as much information as possible based on the questions and themes coming through. We hope the children find these useful. Have a

ChatHealth Service

Please find below information in relation to the School Health texting service, AKA ‘ChatHealth’. This service was established to enable young people aged 11-18 to access support on anything in their lives without the necessity of a face-to-face appointment. Now, more than ever, due to the restrictions in place due to Covid-19, this texting service has come into its own.   We know that for

Sporting boost for new schools project at Hexham

Article from Northumberland County Council: “The scheme which is providing two new schools in Hexham has received a boost, with news of a £482,575 grant towards a new all-weather 3G artificial grass sports pitch. Young footballers are set to benefit from fresh investment into these new local facilities as Hadrian Learning Trust and Northumberland County Council have been jointly awarded the

Pupil Survey

As we prepare for pupils to fully return to school in September, we would like you to allow your child to complete the survey at this link. We want to hear from each of our pupils to support them with the return to school life. We will be sending home more detailed information about our plans for September later this week. 

TCS Digital Explorers 2020

This is an interactive programme designed to give young people an insight into digital and tech careers. It is aimed at Year 7 and 8 pupils, but pupils from all year groups are welcome to take part. The programme runs up until 31 August so could be something to continue over the summer holidays should you wish.  Everyone who completes the Digital Explorers

UK Junior Mathematics Challenge

Congratulations to all of our Year 8 pupils who participated in the UK Junior Mathematics Challenge which took place online last week. Once again, HMS pupils continue to excel in their attitudes and achievements during this lock-down period. The results have been outstanding and we are extremely proud to announce 24 pupils have been awarded a certificate.  The following pupils

HMS Library Books

If you’re in Year 8 and you have borrowed any library books from school during lockdown, we would really appreciate it if you could bring them back in. If you’re in school next week, just hand them to your form teacher. Please don’t worry if you’re not in school, but if you could ensure that any school library books are