Food Bank Collection: Update

We just wanted to say a massive thank you, again, to our wider school community for their generosity.  All the donations have been sorted into crates ready for dispatch.   We have been fortunate to build up a collection of useful items including tins of fruit and vegetables, cereal, oats, pasta, instant meals, tea and coffee, treats, cosmetics and toiletries. Best

BBC Young Reporter Competition

The deadline for the BBC Young Reporter Competition 2020-21 is approaching. If any pupil in year 7 or 8 is interested in sharing a story and having the chance to work alongside reporters, programme makers and producers, to create an artefact, this is your chance.   We believe at HMS that pupils have the right to have their voice heard. What better way

#HelloYellow non-uniform day

We are really looking forward to our non-uniform day on Friday 9 October to help raise awareness of Mental Health. We would like to encourage all pupils to find something yellow to wear. We also invite parents/carers to help  support the campaign as part of our wider school community. Staff are getting involved too.  People may wear as little as a yellow

Virtual Open Evening

For parents/carers interested in a school place at HMS for September 2021: we will be holding our virtual open evening on Monday 5 October 2020. At 6pm, visit our Information for Prospective Pupils page to find information videos that will include: A ‘Welcome to HMS overview Subject-specific videos giving you a taste of the types of exciting lessons on offer

Year 8 Self Portraits

Miss Kwella has received some fantastic self-portraits from 8JKW as homework; see below for a sample! In lessons they have also completed some lovely pencil sketches of eyes.

Little Inventors

As part of Mr Barry’s Business Design Project, Year 8 planned Design Concepts for a ‘Better Britain,’ in the current Covid’19 climate. Pupils thought deeply about the things that really bugged them, and how they might make it better. Pupils planned ideas for ‘The Little Inventors Group’ – Miss Lawton’s favourite were spray-on gloves for NHS workers which dissolved

Food Bank Collection – Update

The generosity of our wider school community has been fantastic for our current food bank appeal.  Tomorrow (Friday 25 September 2020) is the final day for any donations, as they will be collected early next week.   If anyone would like to make a final donation, pupils can deliver these to the boxes on the year group yards tomorrow morning before

Arts Award Bronze

This week Emily T delivered a workshop to a group of other Year 8 pupils as part of her Arts Award Bronze. Emily worked with stencil-making and mono-printing to create artworks based on dance and performance. Emily was clear in her communication and shared skills with others as part of her Part D. This is the final section of her

Year 8 Art: HMS Houses Re-Design

Our Year 8s have been working hard creating new designs for our HMS houses. Aln, Wansbeck, Coquet, Tweed, all got a re-design! 8SLA came up with some smashing ideas. Can you guess which one our class liked the most? Great ideas everyone! Well done. Miss Lawton

Pastoral Consultations

This year, form tutors will be calling home for our Pastoral Consultations on Wednesday 30 September and Thursday 1 October 2020. These calls will give you an opportunity to find out how your child has settled into the new term and to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Please complete the booking form and parent questionnaire at this