Spring Games

After a fantastic week of sports last week, the winners have been announced. COQUET house was this year’s Spring Games Champions and the House Captains were presented with the cup in this week’s assemblies. Congratulations to everyone in Coquet!Special recognition awards were awarded for respect, engagement and aspiration. Results for individual events and year group competitions have also been shared

Year 5 Author Event

Another day and another Hexham Book Festival visit! This time for Year 5 who went to the Queen’s Hall to see The Brothers McLeod present their book ‘Knight Sir Louis and The Cauldron of Chaos’. A brilliant, lively, creative event, the authors (who really are brothers) encouraged the enthusiastic audience to devise their own characters and storylines. They highlighted how

Rugby News

We are delighted to hear that Cameron S and Robbie S in Year 8 will be playing in the County Cup Final on Sunday 30th March at Tynedale Rugby Club. Both boys play for Tynedale RFC U13 team and are part of a fantastic squad of players.  Good luck to the boys and the rest of the team! Any support from

New Geography Club!

Year 7 and 8 have been investigating social, economic and environmental challenges in the developing world using the Dollar Street app. They are now planning a virtual trip to one of the places of interest they have discovered, and are considering the ethics and impact of their travels. #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Author Talk

Lucky Year 6 got to visit Queen’s Hall today to enjoy a fascinating author talk from Zohra Nabi. Zohra is the author of books such as ‘The Kingdom Over the Sea’ and ‘ The City Beyond the Stars’ and is visiting Hexham as part of Schools Fest 2025 (part of the great Hexham Book Festival). We love to inspire our

Easter Competition

Pupils can enter our Decorated Easter Egg Competition.  Pupils can work on their own or in teams and use their creative skills to decorate an egg or create a scene/display! Any theme allowed – this could include their favourite pop stars, characters from books or TV shows, film-themed eggs etc – imagination is encouraged.  Eggs will be judged on Friday

Year 7 – Romeo and juliet

Please find attached some photos of the lovely 7M/EN1 acting out Act 3 Scene 1 of Romeo & Juliet (‘the fight scene’). They were, without exception, absolutely superb. We spent Tuesday’s lessons practising showing emotions through our faces and bodies and then learning some basic stage combat. Today, we put the scene together with Sam Li as Romeo, Joey S

Hockey Update

The hockey team had a great morning of sport earlier this week. The event included a mix of skills-based activities and matches. Mrs Coombe was very impressed with the engagement of all pupils involved and the very positive attitude on display.  Thank you to the organisers for the opportunity! Respect. Engage. Aspire.