Year 7 – Romeo and juliet

Please find attached some photos of the lovely 7M/EN1 acting out Act 3 Scene 1 of Romeo & Juliet (‘the fight scene’). They were, without exception, absolutely superb. We spent Tuesday’s lessons practising showing emotions through our faces and bodies and then learning some basic stage combat. Today, we put the scene together with Sam Li as Romeo, Joey S as Tybalt, Ianto T as Benvolio, and James D-S as Mercutio. All were absolutely stellar in their roles – and 100% safe and sensible with the theatrical swords.
Others in the class played their supporting roles fantastically: hot and bothered members of the public suffering in the Verona heat, a crowd chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” as it all threatened to kick off, and – particularly brilliantly – showing their shock and horror at Mercutio’s murder in a slowed-down scene played out to Disturbed’s appropriately gritty version of Sound of Silence (“People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening…”. They were amazing.
Respect. Engage. Aspire.