Developing and supporting reading is at the core of all we do at HMS. Reading is a fundamental life skill and enables children to unlock their potential.
With this in mind, we are so excited to be launching our ‘Reading Rails’ initiative. The maps are a fun, attractive and accessible way of promoting reading for pleasure. The routes are designed to guide children on their reading journeys, encouraging them to try new books and genres, while building reading stamina and confidence.
There are separate ‘Reading Rails’ for KS2 and KS3. The maps are clearly displayed around school, in the library and in classrooms. All pupils will be given guidance and help during their library visits which begin next week. Children can record the books they have read in specially designed pages in their planners. Please take a look on page 31-35 of your child’s planner for more details and we hope this leads to many happy hours spent reading for pleasure and broadening your child’s reading horizons over the coming year.
Should you have any questions, please get in touch with school via