It was a cloudy end to our adventures in France. Today’s forecast was for snow all day – it was very windy high up and this gave all groups a true winter experience on the last day! All groups skied some red runs today which gave a good challenge to the end of the week.
At the end of the day, all five ski groups had their presentation with their instructor. It was great to see the pride as each skier received recognition of their achievements this week. We brought a card for each instructor – the card had a painting of the Hydro Building (painted by Mr Stephenson’s father) – the instructors were really interested in our school.
All of the instructors complimented us on how well our children listened and learned while they were in lessons – it is great to see HMS pupils being great ambassadors for our school while abroad.
We are all looking forward to getting home and seeing friends and family (and the rugby). Tonight will be showers, packing, and an early night ready for the homeward trip! What an excellent week with lifelong memories made.