National Careers week has arrived and there are a number of opportunities for learners to gain knowledge and experience of the world of work.
At Hexham Middle School, we are pleased to showcase some new reference books for pupils to read. Mrs Hayler Hughes has put a range of brand new, high-quality, illustrated books and resource booklets on display for pupils to explore, including the fantastic The Careers Handbook: The ultimate guide to planning your future. We also have some great new editions from the ‘I like – what jobs are there’ series, including: I like the outdoors, I like Sport and I like animals. We would like to invite our pupils to spend some time in the library at lunchtime or during their weekly session exploring possible future careers.
Mr Armstrong has organised a languages webinar through the British Council on ‘Where Languages Can Take You!” This year, we have added Spanish to our Key Stage 3 curriculum. We also have a Mandarin extra-curricular club. A huge thank your for Mr Armstrong organising an opportunity for pupils to learn more the different destinations that could be achieved, if pupils dedicate time to learning a different language.
Mrs Bond is also running an online virtual meet showcasing careers in the film industry with her Film Club; pupils are getting the chance to talk to a professional. Presently, year 7 are learning more about careers as part of their PSHE carousel.
Assemblies will be a focus unpicking careers education in age appropriate ways.
Assembly Themes
Year 5/6- Jobs that People Do
Year 7/8- National Careers Week is all about you.
Skills Builder Homezone
At Hexham Middle School we would like to bring to parents and carers’ attention, an excellent free resource to develop their child’s essential skills. These can be classified as 8 universal and transferable skills that potential future employers find attractive:
- speaking
- listening
- aiming high
- staying positive
- problem solving
- creative
- teamwork
- leadership
Skills Builder Homezone provides a variety of skills challenges that students can explore independently. Activities are updated regularly and they are supported with a range of reflection questions from the ‘getting started’ level through to mastery. We feel that this framework of essential skills will help to prepare our students for the wider world.