We are really looking forward to our non-uniform day on Friday 9 October to help raise awareness of Mental Health.
We would like to encourage all pupils to find something yellow to wear. We also invite parents/carers to help support the campaign as part of our wider school community. Staff are getting involved too. People may wear as little as a yellow hair band, ribbons or clips, a yellow scarf, t-shirt or even laces. Some pupils may have a pair of yellow socks or perhaps a belt.
Wearing non-uniform is voluntary.
Some pupils may want to challenge themselves to wear as much yellow clothing and accessories as possible. We do not want to see the application of make-up, nail varnish, hair dye or face paint though (the latter will interfere with the wearing of face masks). Pupils may have yellow jewellery accessories such as necklaces; this will be allowed, but pupils must be aware that certain items may need to be removed if they have PE lessons.
If a child has PE on Friday 9 October, they will need to bring in their PE kit as normal.
As we are now a cashless school, we would like the suggested donation of £1 to be made online via the School Gateway app/website. The payment is open now and will remain open until Monday 12 October.
Many thanks for your continued support. We will be updating our social media accounts with images of the day with the campaign’s hashtag: #HelloYellow.