As you know, our Year 6 pupils will sit their ‘End of Key Stage Assessments (SATs)’ next week. We are exceptionally proud of all of our Year 6 pupils. They have all worked incredibly hard this year and continue to achieve brilliantly. All we can ask is that they continue to maintain their outstanding efforts over the next week and that they try their absolute best in the assessments. As always, we are here to support them with anything they need. Please try to put your child’s mind at ease if they’re feeling unsure about any of the arrangements and encourage them to talk to their teachers in school to address any questions/concerns.
At HMS, we encourage our pupils to thrive and achieve their full potential at all times – we want our pupils to aim high and be ambitious for themselves. We also know that assessments are a snapshot of a child’s learning at a certain point in time – we know our pupils have such a wide range of talents, interests, and values that make them unique and we have so much to celebrate and be proud of at HMS.
Homework this weekend is to get outdoors, enjoy the fresh air (and hopefully the sunshine), laugh and have fun with loved ones, and get to bed at a sensible time on Sunday night! On Friday 17th May, there’ll be a special treat day for the children to reward them for their huge efforts and resilience! Miss Liddle will share more information with you.
Thank you so much for your continued support. We wish all of our pupils the very best of luck next week and know that they’ll be amazing as always!