This week, 12 pupils attended the English U19 National School Chess Championships at St. Mary’s School in Newcastle. We were able to take two teams and it was great to see some new faces representing our school for the first time. One of our teams nearly qualified but was drawn against a strong team in the final round.
Chess Club is on every Friday lunchtime, and thanks to the generosity of our PTA, we now have 15 new boards and some digital clocks. All pupils at HMS are welcome to attend Chess Club on Friday lunchtimes. Pupils can bring their packed lunch or get an early lunch pass from Mr Freeman-Myers. We would welcome more girls attending Chess Club too. We are now in the early stages of exploring a Tynedale Middle School Chess Competition to build the profile of chess in our area.
If there are any parents/carers that are good at chess and would like to support a possible after-school chess club (to allow for longer games), please contact Mr Freeman-Myers. Any pupil interested in competing in the Northumbria Junior Chess Association tournament on Sunday 26 November 10am to 4pm at RGS Newcastle Junior School can enter via this link.