This term has flown by, and the HMS calendar has, once again, been bursting with excitement and opportunities. A huge thank you from all of the staff team for your continued support of life at HMS – it really is appreciated. Special thanks to our pupils who always engage so well in their learning and the wider life of the school.
This week is just an example of how vibrant and varied life in school is with pupils down in London on their amazing residential experience, pupils representing Team HMS in rugby matches, cross country and cricket finals, two packed Easter Discos (huge thanks to our PTA!), decorated egg competitions and rounded off with our joyful Easter Celebration Assemblies. All of this is thanks to our genuinely amazing staff team who work so hard to make HMS such an exciting place to work and learn.
Everyone is looking forward to a lovely, well-deserved Easter break – I hope you all have a great time and that the sun starts to shine! We will see the children back in school at 8.40am on Monday 17th April.