- Are given opportunities to debate and discuss topics of relevance during form time and during different subjects, so that they develop the skills to weigh up evidence and form balanced arguments.
- Understand that oracy is valued and is part of our Skills Builder programme with the core communication skills of speaking and listening.
- Are exposed to a range of relevant, age-appropriate topics, saved on our Assembly and Form Time schedule (used by form tutors and Pastoral Leaders).
- Are taught to respect others and be guided by what is the correct and the wrong way to conduct oneself – respect is one of our core school values.
- Are given the opportunity to volunteer their time, energy, and enthusiasm in service to the school and wider community; they have the chance to take part in charitable and issue-raising events.
- Are able to apply for a range of roles within school, including the House Captaincy Team, School Council, Head Pupil Team, Digital Leaders, Librarians, Sports Ambassadors and Subject Champions.
- Are provided with opportunities to explore citizenship education across all subjects to develop their knowledge, skills, and understanding which help them play a full part in democratic society as active and responsible citizens.
- Learn specifically about democracy, politics, parliament, and voting as part of PSHE timetable lessons in Key Stage 3; internal voting practices and external voting campaigns are engaged with to encourage active participation and related, meaningful experiences.
- Experience resources used to teach are age-appropriate.
- Are aware of the expectations in school as part of our school values (Respect, Engage, Aspire).
- Are aware of and buy into our expectations for an excellent behaviour climate.
- Understand and celebrate differences and similarities as well as learn about of different faith and world beliefs, allowing for a culture of mutual respect and tolerance.
- The themes and concepts of this strand of personal development are explored throughout the broader personal development provision, including PSHE and subjects such as history, English and religious studies.
- Our weekly online briefing led by the head of school addresses, at opportune moments, key elements of this strand.
- The assembly and form time provision ensures that pupils are given dedicated contact time to unpick key concepts surrounding the strand.
- The extracurricular participation programme (lunch and after-school clubs) provides opportunities for pupils to develop mutual respect and tolerance of others.
- School Council provides a forum for pupils to express their views and opinions as a communication channel with the senior leadership team.
- We have a clear, firm, and fair behaviour conduct policy including sanctions.
- We have a positive reward system that helps to incentivise those pupils who follow desired conduct expectations.
- A Behaviour Policy.
Throughout the year there will be numerous opportunities to take part in a debate.