RSE is embedded within our PSHE programme of study. Themes of study include:
- What is a healthy and unhealthy relationship?
- How do you stay safe in a relationship (including coercive relationships)?
- Managing risks as I grow up
- Mental health
- Physical health
- Contraception
- Sex education and health
- Puberty
- Gender identity
- Consent
How is RSE implemented and monitored for impact?
- RSE is taught within PSHE lessons and addressed in other subject domains such as science, PE, and English.
- The Personal Development Programme (including assemblies and form-time) explore some of the themes that are appropriate.
- National Inclusion Week (starting in Autumn 2023).
- External speakers for pupils.
- RSE policy consulted with parents: – policy available on website.
- Ipsative assessment methodology evident in PSHE lessons.
- Staff briefing and bespoke CPD training sessions for staff including training.
- Link Trustee support and review.
- Pupil Panel Review.
- High quality pastoral support and safeguarding led by Assistant Headteacher for Support, Standards and Inclusion.